Still looking to buy magic tools. L2 and L3 melons sword available for sale at emporium along with L3 shovel, pick and axe. Some armour pieces back in stock. Hundreds of mob and magic mobs eggs available now.
Mythic upgrade has been sold. looking to buy a magic chest plate, magic tropical fish and a magic rod.
Prices updated, L3 msword and L1 hoe added to station 1. 2 x magic upgrades available at 450k each, tools or armor. Warp emporium now buying puffer and tropical fish at 47% over sell hand. Nether stars now $1100 each at station 1.
@BaccaAMP sorry I will fix that now, Im trying to keep up with all the fish, nstars and spawner keys being sold lately.
Emporium fish, melon, melon slices and seed chests all empty again. Sorry for the lack of funds lately, I have been working on paying off a 13m scam and a 30m debt of Rebecca’s. Both of these have now been completed as of last night so funds should once again be available to sell all your goodies. I am going to create a separate thread for emporium very soon, to include price list and to give a place for feedback on full chests etc. At the moment I am not buying magic tools or features however I will be buying again very soon when my balance get to a point where I can run emporium without hitting a zero balance. Thanks to everyone for the patience and your continued support selling at emporium, I couldn’t keep the store stocked without you ❤️
Now buying magic tools again, all prices have been updated to reflect current stock levels (prices are firm). I do not claim to buy at the best price, this thread is a place to sell quickly at the stated price. Also buying gift cards again, currently looking for up to $200.
50k a day rentals Now offering magic tool rentals at 50k a day Any magic tool 24 hour rental Including tools that do not require any features Magic shovels & Hoes Spoiler: Rental application What is your IGN?: What is your in-game rank?: How much have you donated to the server?: How long have you been a member?: Which tool do you want to rent?: Do you have e-repairs?: Do you have tombstone?: Have you ever been banned before?: If so, for how long, and why?:
Nether star and emerald collector back in stock at station 1. Magic melon sword, Magic chest plate and magic tropical fish all added to station 1.
2 x L3 rods and 2 x L3 melon swords now added to tools available for rent. Just 50k a day or 250k a week.
Hey Imabankthing, I was wondering if you have a /mythicupgrade available or if it will soon be for sale. Thanks.
I have 1 month and a day still left on the cooldown for mythic upgrade nixon and would be happy to sell it if you don’t find one before then.
New stock added to station 1 today including an L1 rod, L1 pick, magic bone and magic rotten flesh. Still buying all your magic tools & nstars. Looking for $100 gift card with or without promo.
Looking to buy any and all magic tools, armor and items. Prices all updated. Buying gift cards at 50k per usd or sell me a $100 gift card with the promo spin for 10m ecd.
Emporium has been restocked with some magic tools. L1 Melon sword, L3 Rod, L3 pick and L3 hoe all added.