Come to /Warp Casino to win tons of dinero, have a chance of doubling your money! /Warp Casino has gone through extremely needed renovations with new casino rooms! Perms have now rised in price and now cost 75k due to high demand and popularity of casino growing, Hosting casinos and owning perms are a very good way to make money but it comes with a highrisk. If you are interested in buying perms and also want your own custom casino room the price is now 150k, due to availability low and only 2 left. rooms look like this -> owned by @Guavaman36 owned by @SalsaWizard Currently the purchasable rooms are stone with quartz floors, upon purchase the casino will customize the room to your liking. We hope you would be interested in joining the new and growing casino of ECC Current perm holders: @ctop_1013 @GamingFoxYT @Guavaman36 @SalsaWizard @Ethannnnnn @KiddTitus @OlympiansAreGods @Videowiz92 This casino is supported by @andrewkm and this message has been approved by him.
Warp Casinos High rollers and best costumers list : @Ethannnnnn @block_crusher @SalsaWizard @1chunkabunk @GamingFoxYT The casino hopes to add more members to this list, high rollers must have done a 50k+ bet. Premium and first served members: @Ethannnnnn These members have shown loyalty to the casino and get bets before other players, to earn this you must have bet over 1,000,000+ ecd at our casino.
Hosting Rules: 1. No griefing in the town or to the casino rooms will be tolerated. 2. Always take turns hosting with other host. 3. Not paying back a costumer 4x after a win you will be evicted. 4. Always re fill the casino dispenser after every round.