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  1. georgie0417 ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Raise ur Dongers ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ X ⭐⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 7, 2013
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    What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for:
    VMR Server
    Short title for your suggestion:
    Removing Obtainables from Kit Rare
    What are you suggesting:
    To removed the more easily obtained items from kit rare, specifically:
    Dragon Egg
    Nether Star
    Large Fern
    Tall Grass
    Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?:
    Removing these four items which are all 100% obtainable and relatively easy to obtain would remove some of the clutter in the crates and make it easier to obtain the real unobtainable items.
    Other information:
    Currently, the large fern and tall grass can all be obtained via looting chests in villages.
    The nether stars are obtained by killing the wither. Before the 1.14 changes which made spawns much more common, it would have taken an insane amount of time to get the 9 wither skulls it would require to obtain the 3 nether stars without the crates. Since the changes however it has made getting the skulls significantly easier thus my suggestion. Additionally, with wither roses now being introduced every player must kill the wither at least once which results in 1/3 nether stars.
    The Dragon egg could be changed, but because of it's limited spawn rate (you only get one per world regardless of if you spawn in more dragons) I would understand why this particular item stays in the chest. I only suggest removing it because every player must enter the End for various items so killing the dragon would result in obtaining the Egg naturally.
    Plugin or custom addition:
    ECC Crates
    One suggestion per form:
    I Understand.
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    #1 georgie0417, Feb 2, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  2. Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    -1 I think the reason they were put there was because although they are obtainable, they are so hard to obtain that they might as well be unobtainable.

    Yes, large ferns and double grass spawn in village chests, but their spawn rate is still next to nothing. Since the 1.14 release, I found over 20-30 villages and only a handful even had those items in it (to put it in perspective, I only found 5 total between the two items, and every village I went to was not looted).

    For nstars, I see your point seeing as we need a wither to even get wither roses, but the amount of stress that would be needed to get enough nstars for not only the item, but beacons as well, we are looking at 20 wither kills and 60 wither skeleton heads (seeing as “obtainables” are basically set at 10; still, we are looking at 6 if we keep it the same amount, which would still equal 36 wither skeleton heads).

    And finally, dragon egg. As you mentioned, there is only one that spawns per week. From what I gathered from talking to the other die hard VMR players, it was put in the crate to give everyone an equal chance at the egg since it would never respawn.

    BONUS: you didn’t mention the mobs heads (sans the player and wither skeleton) which are obtainable as well. Still, those are the hardest to obtain, yet they are obtainable. Would you say they need to be out of the crate too? Probably not seeing as they require too much to get a reliable method.

    TL;DR for the people who do try for booklet, getting rid of these from the crate would make them stop playing that specific server (I know I will stop my booklet collection, and that’s saying something since I am about 100 items away from completing it with a majority being rares).

    Also, I don’t think you would be suggesting this is you haven’t gotten the medal and prestige already. My question to you is, would you still be fine with this change if it meant that your prestige and medal were stripped and you had to obtain those items again?
    #2 Jdawger, Feb 2, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  3. Chundi_Jr Ex-Rebecca
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VII ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 4, 2014
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    +1 ! There is no need for /cc to be cluttered with obtainable items. I would be okay with these items being categorized with enchanted gapple and trident, meaning they only need 3 to achieve booklet completion.

    Double grass spawns in 45.9% of villager house chests in savanna villages and large ferns spawn in 18.6% of villager house chests in taiga villages. Compared to enchanted golden apples (which is not an unobtainable) that spawn in 3.1% of dungeon chests, 2.6% of desert temple chests, 1.4% of abandoned mineshaft chests and 3.1% of woodland mansion chests, the double grass and large fern are way easier to acquire. Yes they’re hard but you just have to look in the right places.

    As for the netherstars and beacons, while they do require a decent amount of wither skulls, it isn’t impossible. The /cc items should not have items that are just hard to get.

    I think removing the dragon egg from /cc would be great! It would add another competitive element to VMR. Whoever gets to the end first and kills the dragon gets the egg for that week. If they already have 3 then it’s an opportunity to make money. Currently, most people who want to go to the end would rather not fight the dragon so they wait until it’s been cleared to go in. The dragon egg not being obtained from rare keys would force everyone to race to the end every week.

    The only way to obtain the creeper, skeleton, and zombie head is by a charged creeper blowing the mob up. We attempted this once in order to get some creeper heads and it was successful. However, during the several hours we were working on this we only had 1 lightning storm (which is required along with a channeling trident to charge the creeper). I believe the inability to change the weather is the reason these items are classified as unobtainable.

    As for your final comment, Geo has completed 8 booklets and will continue to do so as long as there is still a demand for it and time allows him, he wouldn’t suggest something that would hinder his or anyone else’s progress.

    Tl;dr Booklet wasn’t meant to be easy. Items that are obtainable through vanilla minecraft have no reason to be in /cc.
    #3 Chundi_Jr, Feb 2, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  4. georgie0417 ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ Raise ur Dongers ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ
    ECC Sponsor Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐⭐ X ⭐⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 7, 2013
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    There's no other argument that needs to be made. These are just quite simply not rare at all. I would even go so far as to say that the amount to accomplish the item be increased to 10 for both.

    Prior to the 1.14 changes which increased the spawn rates of literally every mob I would have agreed with you. However in the current world the spawn rates for wither skeletons are back to a normal amount and getting 36 heads isn't hard at all. I myself managed to get 10 skulls in 2 hours, and that was with some horrible luck. I've seen someone go so far as to get 30 skulls in 1 hour @Chundi_Jr so I can't see how you adding an additional 18 would add that much more difficulty.

    You're right. But this is supposed to be a competition and a challenge. I have been to the end countless times and I can tell you that I could have personally completed the dragon eggs for several people using the eggs I received from killing the dragon. It's not hard to get there first, and it would add a competitive edge to VMR.

    I didn't feel the need to mention these because they are without a doubt in my mind the hardest and most frustrating items to get in the game in vanilla. To explain: first, you need to find a naturally spawned in drowned holding a trident (6.25% chance to spawn with it) you then need to kill said drowned for an 11.5% chance to drop the trident (using looting3). Next, you need to enchant the trident with channeling, and wait for a lightning storm. If you've managed to do all of that, then you need to find a creeper, strike it, and then have it kill another mob without dying first. All in exchange for a single head per charged creeper. This process is excruciating, so I didn't feel the need to include it because of how difficult it is.

    As Chundi stated previously. I've completed a total of 7 booklets, will likely complete the 8th next week, and helped several people complete other various parts of their booklets. I have made a vast amount of my fortune on VMR and I have no intention of stopping. I'm making this suggestion to help increase the difficulty of some items in exchange for a higher chance to obtain the real unobtainable items from the crates.

    *Edited original suggestion to include beacons*
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  5. Jdawger Goes by Brass Scribe everwhere except MC & ECC
    ECC Sponsor President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Well, argument of the spawning of stuff aside, VMR is already a pretty barren server. As much as this suggestion makes logical sense, removing all those items from the Rare Crate would possibly turn away the players who are still trying to complete booklet if ALL ITEMS you suggested got removed (as I mentioned earlier, I would totally stop my attempt for booklet if that was the case, and another close VMR player to me even said that they possibly would give up as well). After reading the spawns etc. that were shared, I agree that tall fern and double grass should be removed, however I am still against dragon egg, nether star, and beacon.
    #5 Jdawger, Feb 4, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  6. Fr0zenTiger Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ II ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 2, 2019
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    -1 there's a reason why they are "unobtainable items"
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  7. WeirdBuilder Former StrangeAdmin
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VII ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 22, 2012
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    They’re not unobtainable, they’re considered ‘rare’ items, and are included in the crates due to their rarity and difficulty. Not to say that they’re easy to gather, but they’re certainly not unobtainable.

    Of all the challenging items needed to finish booklet, I would not consider these items to be among them. I can understand your concern about the difficulty of finishing your booklet should these items be removed, but as someone who recently finished their booklet and has been living on VMR for the past 3 months, I assure you that there are MUCH more difficult items to complete (e.g. Shulkers, Banner Patterns, Tridents, etc).

    By removing beacons and nether stars, assuming that they stay at a requirement of 3, you’d only need to kill the wither 6 times, or 18 wither skeleton heads worth. While not easy, this is totally doable, especially with the mob spawning changes.

    As for the dragon egg, I’m a little hesitant to agree with these changes. For those seeking to complete their booklets, this would create a competitive blitz to the end during the first few days of the week, which is fair given the nature of VMR, but the fact that you have to be the first to the end for 3 weeks to even make progress on this item doesn’t sit well with me.
    #7 WeirdBuilder, Feb 4, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  8. Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    I'm going to be denying this, [ONLY BECAUSE] WITH a recommendation:
    Please file SEPARATE suggestions for EACH item.

    I'd prefer to see community discussion per-item as opposed to larger groups of items like this.
    This way, I will be more informed PER ITEM when making a decision.
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