In Game Name: bobthegnome1What part of EcoCityCraft is this suggestion for: VMR ServerShort title for your suggestion: Cooldown for /killWhat are you suggesting: Add a cooldown (30sec to 1min or more would make sense imo) for /kill.Why is this a good addition for EcoCityCraft?: When there are no staff in VMR some people spam /kill. Instead of mods or admins needing to tell people not to spam it, a cool down would fully prevent it.Other information: I was curious if there was any kind of cooldown/limit, so I tested it and got told not to spam. While this works when there is staff in VMR, when there isn't some people spam it.Plugin or custom addition: IdkOne suggestion per form: I Understand.
Putting a cooldown on this just for spam reduction seems like pointless code for @JamieSinn. Edit: I've just attempted to disable the death messages but that functionality of Essentials seems broken. Making a ticket here: I believe the best thing would be to simply disable death messages to prevent people spamming them. I don't see the need for them at all tbh.