Minecraft Name: LordNate Suggestion: A VMR command to let players see how many items they've 'achieved' (collected 10,000 of) Reason: We already have /booklet status which lets us see how many items we've collected in VMR, however we don't have a way to see how many items we've collected 10,000 of and achieved without going through the booklet and counting every item up, which is an annoying process if you have multiple achievements. Either a new command could be made like /booklet achievements to show us how many items we've collected 10k of (eg. 3/409, 14/409) or this could be added to /booklet status by showing how many items have been achieved under the number of items that have been collected. I personally like the idea of using /booklet status for this, but that could be up to the admins or the server to decide. Any Other Information: I think it should be a similar format to the "seen" items in /booklet status. Eg. A player uses /booklet status Seen: 200/409 Achieved: 2/409 Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: This would require custom coding, but it probably wouldn't be too hard to do
As in public leaderboards for booklet achievements? I like that idea. I'm really glad that you've kept improving VMR, thanks for putting in all the work and for constantly making it better Andrew and Jamie!
I'm marking this as accepted, as it is something that we will have in the future, however it will not be in the form of a command, instead we have plans to create a leaderboard (similar to lotto and SG) and use that to show the public who is in the lead as well as let users show off their progress (including checking how many achievements they have in total, etc). The reason it cannot be a command is due to the way it is coded, and the fact that believe it or not running a command like this, showing how many achievements you have would pretty much crash the server. (Just the way we coded it for certain reasons).