1. Sios Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I was pondering on the idea of having a vBulletin forum in place of a phpBB forum [since there is an already existing license that can be provided by either andrewkm or I.] I've worked with vBulletin Forums for the past few years dealing with modification installation, personal customization and so on and so forth - With the given time, I can create a vBulletin forum on a massive scale [if allowed] - And idk.. Bring a whole new forum experience to our existing and future members. :D
    Also on the side note, yes - It is possible to convert phpBB over to vBulletin. If there's any issues, I will be MORE than happy to create the forums or set up usergroups and their permissions if need must be.


    Second thought - A Shoutcast Server w/ SAM Broadcaster used to stream live music, bringing top notch quality and not relying too much on Ventrilo for "quality music."
    I haven't had any time to actually set up a Shoutcast server myself, but granted with enough time, I could figure the ins and outs of it with relative ease.
    Along side with this, we can have a "DJ" play their preferred song of choice during the time schedule they're playing for.
    Each DJ is allowed to play for said time until the next DJ goes on and play their genre of music.

    In order to be a DJ, an application and certain requirements must be filled out.

    .. And yes, Shoutcast servers do cost money, but given out current spending money - It shouldn't be too much of a hassle.


    Agree/Disagree - State your reasons why.


    Sorry for the messy compilation of thoughts here .. 7:12 in the morning, not thinking too straight. Sorry. D:
  2. Rezonl Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2011
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    I completely agree with you, Vbulletin > phbb.
  3. egkoston Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 3, 2011
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    About this, I have a link where we could download SAM4 Broadcaster and I feel like I could give a decent walkthrough on how to set it up.