The rules are quite easy.... ^ -Is used to say something about the poster above you < -Say something about yourself v -Try and say what the post under you is like. Ex. ^There is no one above me.... < Likes potatoes v thinks your dumb! ***************************************************************************************** Ill start ^...No one above me ;_; < is sexy ;D V is my best friend.
^ Is also known as Kaitlyn, and moo, and moofin, and moofink, and moof... < Is a slow typer v Collects cheese > wait a second...this isn't right.
^ is a d0rc, rep for that. < Doesn't collect cheese, but loves eating it. <3 v Eats dinosuars. Lol xD
^ Has a name that makes me want Mcdonalds < Also likes potatoes. Especially baked ones with butter, bacon bits and sour cream V Just got hungry
^likes to necro post <likes hockey :shock: V is a best friend of hockey (please please be someone i like XD)
Sorry, misunderstood it ^ -Likes monkeybutts < - Sexy and i know it v - A guy that are willing to do everything for me