NinjarakuPwnz, Long story that i'll try to keep short, Not! lol. Used to go by BigCatDriver, then when i got into MMO's I went with OhNoSandman, I'll skip the reasons for those names and jump to NinjarakuPwnz. I had been playing World of Warcraft, on a RP server, went by OhNoSandman, then after almost a year, a guy got mad, reported my name, because it didn't sound role-player-ish... So i tried wattdafox, Got suspended 1 day and told to change my name a second time, So this was my third time picking a name, During the suspension, looked online, Really had to decide on a RolePlayer name, that wasn't something like a hobbit from lord of the rings(no offense epic movie XD) something that described me as a player, Didn't sound Generic, & a name I would use for the rest of my gaming endeavors, Which gave birth to: Ninjaraku Simple Right? Except i used Accents over most the letters! which brings Ñïñjäräkù to the table, not many people sent me in-game mail =p. But as 2 years went by i found a few people using my name(without the accents) And so i started using NinjarakuPwnz around 2011 and have since used it on Every game I've Played Since. Glad this thread was created, First time i've explained my IGN =) Raku means Raccoon in Japanese, No im not japanese it just sounds cool lol.
My name is TheKDshowz_Kevin and the "K" is kevin and the "D" is danny. Danny is TheKDshowz which many people think I am his bro, but i aidn't. It would be a scary life to be bros with him. showz is like idk lol. _Kevin is my name, and I really wanted KJz as my username, but I like this name better.
Well I as gonna have this super dooper long user name but my brother was like... Sis. Just think of a random username. And I like Greek Mythology and Athena, so I was just joking around and put TheRandomOwl. It was already taken so I put 624, my birfday :3 (June 24th)
I love the colour green, especially luminous/fluorescent and I thought of toxic waste. There you go, my name is Toxic. Edit: My bf also plays Minecraft and the numbers at the end of his username are the same as mine. c;
NIce story - So you are not Japanese, does that mean you are a raccoon? Just kidding. Could you please explain the Pwnz - that is the part I always forget when trying to communicate to you.
My username as been around for years. It originated in the Original Xbox community, back when Xbox Live FIRST came out. My step-dad was making an account because he felt I was too young to have my own (I think I was like 9 or 10). The first four letters of his last name are M-A-C-O. So, he picked some random numbers that sounded good, 2-0-0-4-7. Thus, the name Maco20047 was created. After a few weeks, he said f*** it, and gave me the account because he was tired of playing. (He is more of a PC gamer). Well, at first, I didn't really like the name, but it grew on me, and sounded kind of cool. So, for the past 7 years, the name has been passed around the internet. Combat Arms/Vindictus by Nexon, YouTube, names in stupid online games, minigames, and Minecraft. Spoiler: For those of you who don't know this is the Original Xbox
hey i still got one of those around here somewhere.....considering ive never even owned a 360....LOL h2 forlyfe
Gernen was what I had named my dwarf in World of Warcraft, had been playing it for quite a while before I started MC. And... I dunno, Gernen sounds like something dwarvish right?
From back when Internet Relay Chat was the only real time chatting method available and 8 letter maximums applied to names and passwords. I was very curious about what was happening on this world wide web thing but didn't want to be too obvious... invisible was too long but I still wanted to be able to be unseen... invisabl. I've been using it for a long time now and maybe due to the misspelling haven't seen it being used by anyone else so far.
Mine is gonna take a but of explaining. Ok, so I was in a summer camp when I was 8, and this guy wanted me to play this game with him. I said sure. He said I would need a nickname, so I thought of my 3 favorite things at the time. This is where the name based off. The Yo in it is yoshi, the ke is poKEmon, and the by it kirBY
Back in 2011-ish I Added "Pwnz" at the end because some of the games people didn't take it seriously or recognize it, Sort of like people adding X's like xXexampleNameXx to stand out, Pwnz just sounds more gamer, but on a few RPG's i still just go by Ninjaraku =)
I remember when I was 9 and my favorite TV channel was Nickelodeon and they had all the commercials for some nickelodeon online game and I had to make my first username (other than my email account). So since I am very bad with names I started thinking of random stuff like animals and cars and... suckers. Dumdum wasn't available and neither was dumdum21. So, dumdum71 it is! Honestly though, I could have picked a way cooler name .
I bought this account from a friend and he thought it would be a password or something so he did V6ud. Then he saw in game that V6ud was his username -_- Greetings, V6ud
Mine comes from my last name (Railef) and my high school nickname (Bear). The girls from my grade put me Bear and the variations go from Teddy, teddy bear, bear, little bear, etc