My name is not actually made in spite of MineCraft having stone and iron in it. So, from like 4th-6th grade a group of my close friends and I made nicknames of "elements" for each other because we thought it'd be funny. I was "Stone," and others were "Brick," "Slate," and "CinderBlock." We considered ourselves the "Hard Elements." Also, about a year or two later, I had created my xbox live account. The same group of friends made a small non-competitive clan. We decided to go along with "Elements," so, we had our names called Elemental <insert an element here>. Being a bit older and actually knowing an element, I named myself Elemental IronZ (the Z is there because plain "Iron" was taken). In conclusion, I decided to make my MineCraft username a mixture of the two and bang : StoneIronZ
My name doesn't really have an origin. I just thought of it one day, and it stuck. MR. I is boy WAFFA. Rhymes with Jaffa JAFFA. I like Jaffa cakes xD
My username has a story to go with it. The 101 is worthless but Cbill isn't. Story: During my early years, I was called by my real name Chris by my friends (if you didn't know my real name, you know it now. IT ISNT BILL.) In 5th-6th grade, people started to get the idea of using my first name and last name to make some sort of nickname, and yes it was C-Bill. It was quite rare until later in life though. It sounds like a rappers stage name (I'm not a rapper, but I do like to beatbox) . I got MC around the 1.2.5 update (7th-8th grade) and I guess the name stuck xD Anyways, during middle school/junior high, my friends called me C-Bill and they still call me that to this day. If anyone was wondering about where my username came from, you know now
My name is based on a nickname from a friend, which is a contortion of my real name. And I am a Lord because whenever I play medieval fantasy type games I fancy myself a Paladin and they are noble and a noble is called a Lord. King is TOO pretentious.
Ok, so my name comes from my first website called pstarfun pronounced Pee-star-fun. (Im not advertising because I am not saying web address) so that became my name for a lot of things on the web and I thought MC should be no exception. If I had a custom tag it would be dolphin because my friends started calling my player Pa-star-fin and it sorta sounds like dolphin
Sneaky was actually given to me. Back in the days of counter strike 1.3 or 5 or 6 something when i was 12(21now) I was playing dust2 hiding in some tunnels with a tmp(uzi) a MOFO and after about 4 rounds of blasting this guy, he kept calling me sneaky bast*** so it just stuck. Also...43 is my favorite number. p.s. ...42 can die.
When I was setting up on Mojang's site, I had no inkling that I would ever play Minecraft online... but I still wanted a distinctive name... I tried "Cholesterol", "NewarkAirport", "FineDelicatessen"... But then I thought, what about my career? Some cool names were taken, but by happenstance, OsR fits on one line of a sign. As the webpage pixels reloaded, all the page turned to whitish glass... and then I saw it... "Available". *click*