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  1. Ryanwynn Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 8, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Felon Username: taz1999

    Complaint:He won an auction that I was doing for a piston at $602. At first he tried to get out of it, referencing something unrelated on global chat. Then he agreed to pay for it. When I gave him the piston he ran and left. I realize that I should not have given him the piston, but I was hoping that he would be an honest buyer and respect the auction system.

    Evidence:I did not take any screenshots because I was not sure what part of this would prove my point. I also realize that this is a mistake, but I hope that some action can be taken.

    Additional Information:The problem that I have here is not that I lost a piston but that if this can happen, then how can anyone trust the auction system to ever be legitimate. It is an important part of the server and it is important that it stays trustworthy. I don't need the piston back as long as some justice of some kind is dealt.
  2. BGeisinger6 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 13, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    If you do not have any screen shot proof there is nothing we can do. To help the situation next time; I suggest you have the buyer pay first then give the item. This would prevent some scams; you should always take screen shots of the auction, and the transfer of items, so if this ever happens, then it could be resolved.

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