Accused Username: xhigh420xComplaint: Was notified that the user was selling permissions to his farm for 10,000 ecobucks. Sent the 10,000 and took a screenshot after which I guess the individual went AFK. I followed up with a forum message to the user with a screenshot of my payment detailing my request to purchase. I am going to be a little more specific on this part because in my personal opinion an intention was made very clear. I saw the user advertising his farmed and figured he would inherently be back from his several hour AFK. I private messaged the user detailing the payment and the follow-up message with proof to which I was told a screenshot was not proof and that there was no way of verification (entailing that I would not be receiving permissions or my 10k). ---> This is the part that I find to have pushed the boundaries of being reasonable into scamming I replied to the user detailing that all payments were logged and It should be no problem for an Admin to verify the payment to which he responded that I can pursue whatever I wish but he doesn't have verification and that even if I were to have the payment verified he would give me a refund but I was not allowed to buy perms to his farm (basically he couldn't leech double asking price so he threw away a solid customer). Long story short I would like my 10k back if that is possible. Less for the money but more for the fact that I waited a long period of time and was a very honest and genuine customer. Had he just asked me for 10 more thousand I would have given it to him.Evidence: Forum Pm's as wellAdditional Information:
Hello @1chunkabunk , I'm going to request that you post a screenshot outlining some sort of agreement made with @xHigh420x. Unfortunately the screenshot you provided does not tell us anything about the agreement which you state exists. 24 Hours remaining to provide additional evidence.
I have a few issue with this situation. As per the Server Rules (Section 3 - Economy and Transactions, Clause 1 - Safety and Responsibility), this complaint is not valid due to the following reasons 1. No Time/Date stamp in minecraft chat to qualify the evidence (as per Server Rules' requirement). 2. No Proof of an agreement being made where the trade is stated and agreed upon by both parties) (as per Server Rules' requirement). 3. the timeline and information provided is not factual. I was auto logged from the server after I went to sleep while and afk msg was set stating "afk, send mail). I go to work at 7:00AM EST. I logged my account in around 6:00AM EST to afk and let my farm grow. I do not return home until around 6:00PM EST. At no point was I at my computer during the times stated to advertise I was selling farm perms. Furthermore the user stated he was referred to my farm by an irl friend. I have absolutely no legal proof this user sent payment and if said payment was sent, I have no evidence stating what the payment was for, if anything. Based on the server rules, this complaint should be dismissed as the above issues clearly show.
Would you mind showing me where I stated times? (The forum message I sent you with the payment). Though you are correct that we had not spoken of an agreement prior to the payment (which I never stated in my above post if there was a misunderstanding) , I wrongly assumed that someone regularly advertising a service would have no problem with a customer prepaying. Nevertheless, I understand that your intentions are/were to keep my money without providing a service and I would rather just avoid an individual with such practices than chase a small amount of money. I really hope you enjoy the 10k, you must have really needed it.
@1chunkabunk, I'm going to dismiss this complaint due to a lack of evidence. If you happen to find evidence of some sort of agreement made between you two where @xHigh420x is not holding his end of the deal, please file another complaint. I would like to advise you to be more careful next time with your transactions and always take screenshots with a timestamp (double tap F2) when forming an agreement with another user. Dismissed.