Accused Username: @thot_demolisher , @THOTdecimationComplaint: Both of these usernames are offensive in nature. Everyone who has ever looked at a meme understands the inappropriateness of the term THOT. What makes it more offensive is that it is followed by the demolisher and decimation terms that follows the THOT word. RULE: Inappropriate usernames are not allowed on the server, and may be removed once brought to the attention of the staff team. These include but are not limited to: Usernames with language not suitable for ECC Usernames created with the purpose of being very similar to or hard to distinguish from existing ECC player names.Evidence: none needed, it's their usernamesAdditional Information:
@Unnbearable In the past we've allowed users with names such as: KinkyWhisker Weedaddymatthew Ahreckshun Mattsirbait Needless to say, these names are fine.