Accused Username: @Rip_Peep_2017,Complaint: Use of derogatory terms in chat causing others to repeat the offense. To my knowledge no staff action was taken until later when chat got heated. Then it was a simple "lets calm down". Nothing pertaining to the initial rule that was broken. Whether this was b/c it was simply missed or not I can't say. And while swearing is allowed, derogatory terms are not, directed or not.Evidence: While some minor amount of swearing is allowed, severe or frequent vulgarity, especially when directed at others, is not. Additional Information: Thanks for taking the time to look into this.
Hello @techy88, Thanks for filing this complaint, I’m sorry you had to. Unfortunately, the first screenshot you have provided cannot be used as proper evidence against @Rip_Peep_2017. You need to provide non-cropped images of the Minecraft client for the evidence to be considered valid. Please refer to this on how to get proper evidence for complaints. As well as this, the statements made by the user in question do not break any of our chat rules. I would recommend you both /ignore each other as it is clear that you are unable to get along. Complaint Dismissed Thread Locked