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  1. SynWannabe

    SynWannabe Builder
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    May 30, 2011
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    iTz and Mineo were harassing each other to peeve them off last night when I got home from work. It was the dead time of the server, no mods are on.
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    This is completely unnecessary. It creates a bad mood for everyone who is around .
  2. 7amoodw

    7amoodw Electrical and Electronics Engineer
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IV ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 16, 2012
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    Hello @SynWannabe, thanks for reporting.

    @mineosaurus2000 and @iTzXtremeGaming , now you two have some history together.. Each time I'm in-game I see harassment from both sides while playing, and to be honest this isn't helping to the situation. I'm not sure what's between you two, but I ask you to stop and ignore each other.

    @mineosaurus2000 , I'm disappointed that you chose to harass another user and name call them, coming from a Mayor, that's not something I'd wish to see.

    @iTzXtremeGaming I can understand the frustration when you're being harassed, but you need to control it. It's a simple process, ignore what the user is directing at you and report them if you feel offended. I see in the screenshots you were going to report the user, but then you also contributed to the situation.

    This is a general message to the both of you, I do not want to see any of this happening in chat in the future. You two either get along, or use the /ignore command. This is a stern warning to both of you, learn from this. If this happens in the future, I promise that it the handling of it will not be lenient.

    @SynWannabe, once again, thanks for reporting. Should you encounter any incident similar to this, feel free to report the user(s).

    Locked, both users sternly warned
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    #2 7amoodw, Mar 13, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
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