Felon Username:
MSU_SPaRtAns321 and HuntFishLive
I sought a erep on trade channel, then MSU tpd to me and i gave it to him to fix. He supposedly fixed it and then said he threw it back. Only, he didn't he kept it and then gave it to HuntFishLive, I believe so that the moderators wouldn't see it in his inventory. Then after i searched everywhere and MSU said he didn't have it and tried to make me believe he felt sorry, @Core_Diver, @oreo1227, and @Revanrose6 investigated. They investigated and as they were investigating I spoke to one of my friends about it (she asked to remain nameless) she told me that MSU had approached him about doing something like this with him and that she thought HuntFishLive may be involved. Core_Diver then told me they had found it but the person was not willing (at least at that time to give it back). I then asked @Core_Diver if it was HuntFishLive, but he told me to contact @Revanrose6. I did so and she told me she hoped the person who had it would return it, after a few minutes i was messaged by HuntFishLive. He acted kind of strange saying "do you know who i am" and when I responded no (although I had been told he may have been involved) he said "you will soon". He then tpd me and gave me my pick back. The pick has since been renamed to HuntFishLive EFF7, I assume because MSU knew I had asked @Core_Diver to check for any EFF7s with the name "The Grave Digger". Upon talking to HuntFishLive he told me that he was holding it for MSU, that MSU had planned the whole thing to steal my pick, and that he deserved to be banned although he asked me not to file a complaint.
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Revanrose6 Sith LordECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade
Myself, @Core_Diver , and @Unknownrider will be investigating this. Please be patient.
HuntFishLive BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
All of the above stated is true. I speak for myself here when I say I am sorry for this whole situation. Money sounded good at the time, but in the end as you can see, I gave in to my guilt and gave it back. Now in my religion you have to repent, ask for forgiveness, then forgive yourself. I have done all that and I accept all consequences that are placed upon me. This was not my intention, and I will gladly pay to rename the pick and pay for the erepair to it. Again all I can say is I'm sorry, hopefully you all can forgive me, and it won't happen ever again (seeing this is my first "scam" or whatever you would like to call it). Hopefully eandy and you all can find it in your hearts to forgive.
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MSU_Spartans Inactive dueces peepsBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
Well i did have full intentions of doing this it was a split decision that huntfish pressured me into so i did it so i guess ban us we had full intentions of doing this
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HuntFishLive BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
Actually there was no pressure from me but you can blame it on me I guess. No one is being blamed here so there is no point in blaming me xD MSU was originally going to have someone else help him with this but I was there as well so I picked up the pick that was on the ground. Whatever. We stole. We have nothing left to hide. I've apologized, returned the item, offered to pay eandy1234 for rename and repair. Nothing else I can do.
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Core_Diver BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️
User MSU_Spartans321 Pmed me in-game and admitted to your accusations, and has been banned for attempted scamming of an Efficiency 7 Pick.
HuntFishLive, as noble of you as it may be to admit to the action, we cannot let it slide now that the issue is one of scamming and not just finding a discarded item. If you wish to return to ECC you may appeal your ban through our ban appeals section and strive to convince us that this will not happen again.
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