At what part does it freeze? I had some problems rolling back when I changed my texture pack; the screen would get black every time after the Mojang logo popped up as it logs you in, due to Andrew's fancy texture pack with the step to PM him. o: If that is the case, you'll need to find a clean 1.4/1.4_01 bin folder.
Odd. D: Have you tried updating, then trying the rollback process again? If you got multiple links for the PM step, try a different one; sometimes it works, even if it seems like it won't.
You can add me on Skype if you want. o.o (I just removed the name from my siggy, but it is foreverlifeless if you want to add it.) I won't be able to do voice, but we can use the IM function, and possibly screenshare if that is needed. xD
I hide on invisible because I don't want my grandmas pestering me for webcam, nor my mom or dad.. xD; Try again?