Minecraft Name: @stigarose Suggestion: I'd like to suggest an upgrade to a largely underused feature. With Extended Creations you get /kit mobs, which is pretty great, but also pretty basic. I'd like to suggest with Extended + and or +/+ additional mob drops become available. Either added to /kit mobs as you upgrade or get /kit mobs1 /kit mobs2 or something. Include drops like a blaze rod, ghast tear, and eye of ender to level one, and maybe a shulker shell at number 2. Maybe even limit them to every other day or something instead of 24 hours. Edit: So after thinking about this some more, I think the plus should get like an every 48-72 hour "/kit mobsplus" including a blaze rod or 2, ender pearl or 2, ghast tear or 2, blaze cream or 2, and a prismarine crystal (prolly just 1); then for "/kit mobsplusplus" every 72-96 hours (or whatever) get 1 shulker shell, 1 prismarine shard, and 1 totem of undying (which i don't think is currently obtainable) oh and how about a dragons breath as this isn't currently obtainable (which i would never, meaning the totem, use but might be nice for builders/residents/etc with fewer features and save a few eff7s or something). I don't really think giving people 1 shulker shell a week is going to break the market, i have more than enough shulker boxes (now that i'm not stupid and can fly with elytra (don't judge)), but i continue to buy more just because. I also don't think adding prismarine shards/crystals would vastly affect the market for sea lanterns as you would only get like 1 sea lantern/month IF you remember to kit on time. I think adding kits with newer drops that weren't out so many versions ago offers more value to the feature. Reason: Just pricey features, so wanted to see if they could get a boost. Any Other Information: Just a suggestion Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: no idea how /kit plug in works.
-1 You can get ghast tears and epearls from fishing. Shulker shells are already very cheap and relatively unused because of the features required to use them. Why devalue them further? Few use potions, let alone make them. What good are the blaze rods? As fuel? Everyone with this feature has /smelt without a cooldown.
I disagree with this statement. Yeah you can get them fishing, but that means you need a very high fishing level. And with shucker shells, they are still being sold for a little over 500 each
Potions are indeed frustrating and it'd be great if they could be sold in some kind of sign like other items. There are people who do make potions, not a lot, but newer players may need fire pots, NV pots, and speed pots if they pumpkin farm. I'm just saying there are more mob drops out there since this feature was created. If you only get one shulker shell per week i don't think it'll crash what value they have terribly. Anyway, just a suggestion... You can do so little with ++...shrug.
I agree with the idea that it would be great if the kits were evaluated again and some of the updated items were added. Just because they were great 5 or 6 years ago doesn't mean they couldn't use a little love!
+1 I think there should definitely be a new mob kit added for ext creations++, but that it shouldn't include ghast tears, ender pearls, or shulker boxes. My reasoning for this is that, like @LJKAzrael mentioned, they are really easy to get from fishing enough and already have enough of a market for players. The shulker shell being added would in fact devalue them a lot more than you would think imo, but if we do also give access to them for all players without the feature, that would probably create enough demand to keep the market alive.
Added a /kit mobs2 to ExtCreationsPlus2 to be used once every 48 hours. https://ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Features_Upgrades+#Extended_Creations_Plus2_-_.2430