Minecraft Username: PyroTechnix_ Brief Description: Investigator logs are cleared every 7 days which in total is 10,080 minutes. However when you use the lb tool, it says 'Block changes in the last 86400 minutes at ...' Instructions: Type /lb tb and check any area with the ice block. Look at the cyan text. How many times did you recreate this?: 3 or 4 times Result: Says it is showing logs for the last 86400 minutes Expected Result: Should say it is showing logs for the last 10,080 minutes Evidence: http://prntscr.com/m03jj2 Additional Info: As another user pointed out, 86400 minutes is the equivalent of 2 months (60 days).
@PyroTechnix_ The feature description can be found here: https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/wiki/main-investigator/ TL;DR: It's 30 days. PS: You can ignore the 86,400 minutes message. It will still only show 30 days worth of changes. The message is simply due to that being the default search parameter.