Amarehmallowf35p Phone keyboard is... Small. But then again I'm better off with that because touch typing ruins the game Spoiler: An amount of attempts that we do not speak of 2nd attempt: Marshmallowferp 3rd attempt: MarshmallowDarl 4th attempt: MarshmallowXerl 5th attempt: MarshkwXefl 6th attempt: MarshmallowCerp ARRGH! 7th attempt: MarshmallowDrrp 8th attempt: Marsgmallowdrrp 9th attempt: MardhmallowDerp 10th attempt: MarshmallowDerp FINALLY.
Cemcrazy @CemCrazy Vluebo_ @Bluebo_ soyuzpixel @soyuzpixel KingCharlie9 @KingCharlie9 Gogetmod @Debt_ pokeballo2870 @pokeball92870 cheese_ball_3 @cheese_ball_3 (omg I got it right) Notsoslimshadt_ @_Sharpy All done with my phone keyboard. (Love you too numbers, capitalisation and underscores)
marshmellowderp @MarshmallowDerp I realized my mistake it wasn't an E it was an A pretty good blind folded tho