[True Winners]

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CosmOrigist, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. Monkeyz505

    Monkeyz505 Builder
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    Feb 11, 2013
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    I love how the topic of this thread has changed dramatically.
  2. Aluxxen

    Aluxxen Builder
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    Mar 24, 2012
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    Its awesome to see the bonds of friendship extend the divides money tends to create in our lives. Just know that through this, you may be a tad bit poorer, but you have strengthened your friendship with others through that, which is invaluable. I think I can speak for myself and several others when I say you have earned our respect and made a reputation for yourself.

    Unfortunately, you have made a reputation for yourself as well. Sadly its not as positive as the one I mentioned above.

    Now, I can ban you from my towns and from dealing economically with me, but I feel that wouldn't stand for much. See, I don't have a lot on ECC economically, so banning you from my things wont serve much purpose. However, I do have one thing that is worth a lot more than that to me. I have friends. To me, that's worth alot more than anything else on ECC or IRL. I think you need to reconsider on how your outlook is on material gain, and realize how much other things, such as friendship, trust, and respect, are worth.

    As I said, banning you doesn't serve much purpose. However, you should know that you are no longer welcome in any of my towns (Amaruq, Aureatic, Ironville, Araluen, Oceanside, Hospit) and you have lost any chance at financial gain through me, aswell as any respect I previously held for you.
  3. williamannin

    williamannin Builder
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    Aug 26, 2013
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    @origamimaster10 Your actions represent one of a true role model by valuing others' needs above your own. I commend you for this, since you are among very few people on ECC who would do this without a second thought. I know my response is not the longest, but I hope it summarizes how grateful I am towards you for your kindness.

    @stoler202 like others, I don't take kindly to insults against any fellow ECC'er. You are consistently rude to players in-game and on the forums, so I will be issuing a town ban on your player from entering Eurasia and Interstellafishtank. I'm aware these town bans may not affect you considerably. Friendships will ALWAYS have a greater importance than money. "Money isn't everything". Please do note you will not be welcome in any of my towns, and I will not be dealing economically with you either.

    My main project, Eurasia, is still a work in progress, but it is constantly developing, thanks to the help of so many people. Without the contributions of so many players, namely members of the nation of America, the town would basically be a section of the wild with a name. Friends can help you reach for the skies; something you can't do on your own.
    #23 williamannin, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  4. stoler202

    stoler202 Builder
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    Aug 3, 2012
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    @Dewsy92 , @Mendiboi , @Iticip , @Raccooy , @asabrown , @williamannin answer to all of you: these town bans mean nothing to me, i never visit other towns unless exception, like donor services. so ban me from any town you want, i dont care, as well @Mendiboi about animal farm, lets just say i want to be them pigs, and make a tyrrany of everything almost pumping profit out of people. your friendship helped you make a luxury town not for your personal gain, so that money you got from friends means nothing. Even if i am lonely atleast some people can be corrupt and be bought with money. Atleast i can swim in money. I need money, and thats all. But i dont have it, thats why i focus only on money, money, money.
    Now, @Dewsy92 , i understand i dont have to trample on everyone, but i want to, and it makes me feel better. I as well am very paranoid of people who might catch up with me.
    Please all just start a convo if you wanna carry on
    #24 stoler202, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  5. CosmOrigist

    CosmOrigist Builder
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    Nov 8, 2012
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    Look, I really never wanted to get a good reputation out of this. Although I cannot explain how amazed I am to see everyone's support, I never intended this to happen. I suppose stoler brought this upon himself.

    Stoler, please realize that this is the wrong decision ingame and in real life. Having money? Sure. I don't want a luxury life. Instead, if you gave me 1 million dollars in real life, I would use it to make others lives better. I have 0 intention to make money off my friends.

    Now you have proven to not only me, but the server that you are not a good role model. I will be banning you from all my towns that I am currently listed as an owner until you prove yourself that what you are doing is completely wrong. I don't want to see an apology, and by now that means nothing to me. Actions will do you better. For now, you are banned from my towns, to prevent you from interacting with my residents. I will also give a town wide notice that they are not allowed to trade with you in any form.

    Here's my list of towns.

    • Osaka
    • Kyoto
    • Okinawa
    • Procul
    • Silktouch
    • Elkridge
    • Aetherius
    • Elaren_plaza
    • Elarenpark
    • Elarenvillage
    • Islington
    • Bedlington
    • Whetville
    • Restlech
    • Zephyrus
    • Dortmund
    • Intergalactic
    • Nerdworldmf
    • Eternity
    • Savourius
    • Trivia
    @stoler202 you brought this upon yourself, seems luxurious right? Have fun with a number on your screen, or some matter that is in the form of paper with ink and cotton, but no souls. No friends. If you have friends because of money let me tell you they will be fake. Make friends with kindness in mind. It will change your life.

    All users listed below take note of the town banning of user stoler202.

    @cracker228989 @Chundi_Jr @Emau @annyonion @Pushkar @rax_tue @Nikorayu @eekelmo @AnkokuNoMajo @Starlindria @ShawnMcCall @FamilyFurst @Probuilder300

    Any sighting of you will result in a complaint towards you. Please note you are no longer able to attend any events or weddings that I am to host. This includes giveaways, parties, competitions, trading, facility usage, services, or anything related to this.

    Normally I would ask for this to stop, but I feel that stoler brought this upon himself, and I don't see anything wrong with protecting towns. Please don't let this thread get too off topic of recognizing @Donny96 @jffsprs and @Mendiboi

    I will ask for this thread to be locked if there are any rude or nasty comments toward stoler. However I think that if "rude" comments are used to give him a lesson, be my guest. Let this be a lesson from other users to stoler.

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    #25 CosmOrigist, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  6. stoler202

    stoler202 Builder
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    Aug 3, 2012
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    *cough, cough*, But @Chundi_Jr lives in my town LosCraftos, what now? as well as i once was @FamilyFurst 's erep guy, but i guess that wont matter to me.
  7. rax_tue

    rax_tue Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 31, 2013
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    ori should I make the anounsment cause chundi or cracker arnt on now
  8. CosmOrigist

    CosmOrigist Builder
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    Nov 8, 2012
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    #28 CosmOrigist, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  9. Gillyyyyyy

    Gillyyyyyy Resident
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    Jul 23, 2013
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    :) Very nice thing you did ori <3 you're a great friend to everyone you meet. As for stoler, you did this upon yourself. Good luck getting out of the situation
    #29 Gillyyyyyy, Aug 18, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  10. 314

    314 Irrational SuperMod, former ServerAdmin
    SuperMod EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Prestige ⭐ VI ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 1, 2014
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    Origami, winners reach the first place. But only the best and most modest do what you did. Giving away your prize money to those who really desrve it in your opinion is a great deed, and shows how honest, modest and awesome you are. You are really a part of the greatest people in the community if you decide to do something like this. :)

    Now, I am sorry if this is not on the original topic, but I think I have already been silent for too long.

    Stoler, I can't do anything else but agree with all other comments before.
    Sometimes you refer to builders as
    Then again, you complain about other people's generousity. A while ago you wrote on your staff app that you want to change from now on.I'm sorry to say, but I think you didn't change since.
    Okay, ECC is a hardcore economy. But do we have to bring the hardcore really so far and replace any frienship/generousity and so on with greed for money? What good does that do?
    As well, builders are important to integrate into the community since they are still very new and need rolemodels as presidents should behave like. We should guide them and prove that even in a hardcore economy friendship, trust and respect are not misplaced, but a wonderful quality.

    Builders are our past, other people's present and the future of ECC. Even though this is only a game, we should show them that even in a hardcore economy it's not only money that matters.
    This is all I have left to say. Sorry for not being completely on topic of the original post.
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  11. clou44

    clou44 Professional Forum Stalker
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    Sep 5, 2012
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    I will be locking this thread now, as it has become a place to publicly town ban and flame, and this is not at all necessary.

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