Quynhland is now a jungle! I found it much more simple and less stressful to live in an environment surrounded by trees! I felt it'd be better to build in the Aether than in the main world because I usually never complete big projects in the main world.
If you would like to live in Quynhland, I only sell 10x10 plots around the big rectangular home in the middle of town. That's the only place that won't be completely covered with trees. Anyone living in the town will receive special opportunities the town will later have to offer!
I've already started deleted most of the inactive homes in town but there are still a few left. I'd like to have these homes removed so I can start expanding my jungle, seeing how only one or two people are the only active ones in town. I am posting below some of the players who need to remove their locks and buildings blocks from the town. I'll give you 7 days to do it. Starting now! :)
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