My IGN is MAJOR_LENNIX i am currently a resident,and i have the required funds in my ballance for this application. I got the funds mostly by doing jobs for people and some from selling found items while mining and a donation from a friend. I wish to name my town Mordor. The town size is 100x200 and the signs have been posted as follow: sign A: (x) -615(y)70(z)-8202 sign B: (x)-814(y)76(z)-8201 sign C: (x)-814.5(y)79(z)-8299 sign D (x)-615.5(y)67(z)-8300. I have read the zoning laws and hhave made sure i am far enough away from other towns that mine will not interfere with theirs. adiitional information i would like to note i have my friend that wold like to be my co-mayor his name is stiffkittenz.