Minecraft Username: xX3PICREBELXx Brief Description: Was mining with cheats enabled and extcommandsplus2 and my tool broke Instructions: 1. Mine until durability hits 0 How many times did you recreate this?: Once, not risking it again Result: Tool Broke Expected Result: Tool not to break Evidence: N/A I "might" have had superbreaker on am unsure as to whether it ended by the time the pickaxe broke.
Im pretty sure they warn you on the wiki not to rely on this ability. This is also why i /fix all when my tools hit orange.
Could possibly have to do with a bug fix in 1.13, tools now break after mining with 1 durability instead of 0. https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Item_durability https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-120664 Perhaps whatever plugin that auto-repairs hasn't been updated to accommodate this?
I believe the auto repair function does it when the tool hits 5-10% durability. My guess is he was using something that wasnt diamond
Adding onto this, I was using an enchanted diamond pickaxe with Unbreaking III, and auto-repair didn’t kick in.
I will say it here as I have every time this issue comes up. Please, Please, even pretty please with sugar on top - set this to repair tools when orange and NOT when it is so low that tools break sometimes. I have this feature and always worry that the tool might break since I never let them get as low as this plugin setting does. I know it can cause lag, but let us be realistic in the number of actual users we have here on this server. It does no good to pretend we have 100's of users and take a hold of the fact we are a very small, loving (for the most part) community.
I've been training my excavation with my diamond shovel for 2 days now, not paying any attention to durability. Personally I've had no issues with auto ereps.
Your best bet with diamond tools, is owning them. If you have auto ereps, and your tool breaks, it can be investigated.
However, I still think what @pokeball92870 mentioned might have something to do with it (assuming it was indeed a diamond tool) - IIRC at some point (a few years ago) auto-repair was modified to repair not only at 10% and 1%, but also at zero durability to fix a similar bug. If the tool breaks before reaching zero, it would essentially skip that 'last resort'.
Will have our developer look over auto repair and see what could be going on. For informative reasons, this is the current package description and what it does https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/wiki/main-extcommandsplus2/: Automatic Diamond Tool / Shears / Fishing Rods / Flint & Steel Repair With ExtCommandsPlus2 your diamond tools, shears, fishing rods, and flint & steel will automatically repair themselves. The way this works is this: There is a repair done at 10% remaining durability as well as one done at 1% durability (In case you already have a tool under 10%). If you notice your tool is under 10% we still recommend you use the normal /repair command in the case your automatic repair possibly malfunctions (something that should not happen but is possible with mcMMO abilities and such.).
My pickaxe was IRON so you can just lock the report I was being DAF. Also it wasnt owned. SORRY for the time waste dont send me to azkaban