I would like to possibly be first-sergeant or something... my air force (it can be planes, helis or balloons you choose) prevails above all, even ask pbrassat17, I was the marshal of his air force and zardgyer, he was my commander-in-chief for the French toast nation! I'm very good with air forces. I can also create bombs and stuff if you would like! I can be any rank you want me to... just a high up rank would be nice or you could create Air Force Commander rank and Air Pilot and stuff
There was during the actual war. The war got called off recently due to xpurexcorex resigning, however, it is currently a standing army. In the event another group wishes to oppose us, yes there will be. We used a helmet color coding system for which team you were on. Bringing me a certain number of opposing members caps would get you promoted. There is no way to get promoted to Lord w/o paying/me promoting you for reasons unrelated to the actual war. Revanrose6
Hey, I am a dude to whom Grimm gave a room in the barracks a while ago... uuuh yeah I guess I'd like to join your army, revan . Hope you'll give me a nice rank > (if that's even remotely possible)