The Zodiac Story

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by outerlocal, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. outerlocal

    outerlocal Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 2, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Welcome to The Zodiac Story.
    Whether you're new to our story or have followed us from the beginning, this thread allows for easy navigation through all lore relating to the Zodiac Nation.
    We hope that you enjoy your journey through the Zodiac's long and mysterious past, and stay tuned for more stories coming soon!

    The Zodiac Timeline
    All dates are according to the Zodiac Calendar.
    BU = Before unification
    AU = After unification

    800 BU - First men appear on the caprican isles

    740 BU - War between caprican tribes break out.
    The great wall is built

    700 BU - caprican tribes unite
    Caprica officially founded

    589 BU - Scorpian family rebellion

    587 BU - Scorpian family banished from Caprica
    Scorpia founded to the north

    500 BU - First written record of the Aerilion Stronghold

    325 - Virgon Empire founded

    300 BU - The great flood
    Aerilion and Aquarion believed destroyed
    Picon recognised as a free city

    250 BU - Aquarion Reclaimed. Restoration begins

    57 BU - Leonis begins it’s military campaign

    50 BU - Liberation of Tauron

    42 BU - Virgon Empire collapses
    Sagittaron and Gemenon become independent states

    2 BU - Leonis War ends

    1 AU - Treaty of the Zodiac
    Zodiac Nation formed

    11 AU - Caprican Social Revolution
    Keon Greeley first becomes a public figure

    15 AU - Cornelia Goode elected quorum delegate for Libran

    18 AU - The Citadel reappears
    Aerilion enters into the alliance
    Restoration of Aerilion begins

    28 AU - @outerlocal elected president
    Keon Greeley becomes presidential advisor and Caprica’s Head of security

    35 AU - Picon bombing

    36 AU - @Joliver elected president

    36 AU - War in Caprica breaks out

    36 AU - Keon Greeley imprisoned within The Tartarus
    @outerlocal's trial

    36 AU - Hurricane Tisiphone hits caprica
    @outerlocal declared missing
    Priyan Magnus becomes acting delegate for Caprica

    36 AU - @outerlocal’s body discovered

    36 AU - Virus breaks out in Leonis
    Tunnels sealed

    36 AU - Cerberus Disaster
    Caprica abandoned

    37 AU - Cyrus Xander elected quorum delegate of Canceron.
    Grace Dominic becomes acting CEO of Cyrus Industries.

    37 AU - The political space station Colonial-1 officially replaces Libran as the seat of government

    38 AU - The Midsummer Attacks:
    The Ha'la'tha reappear from beneath the city of Tauron.
    President @Joliver Kidnapped.

    38 AU - President @Joliver rescued & recedes from public life.
    Keon Greeley becomes a vocal critic of the Zodiac establishment.

    39 AU - Virus outbreak on the Colonial-1 political station.
    Many of the acting Zodiac Quorum delegates are killed.

    40 AU - Today

    The Zodiac Archives
    Stories from The Zodiac's past.

    The Zodiac Story - Part 1
    'The Living Story'


    After an unexpected attack on the colony of Picon, the Zodiac Nation is thrust into turmoil. Explore the events of 36 AU as they unfolded, through the eyes of those who lived it. Dark forces are conspiring, and nobody can be trusted. Will you be able to uncover the truth before it is too late?

    The Zodiac Story - Part 2
    'The Rise of an Empire'


    Part 2 - The Rise of an Empire is an upcoming addition to the Zodiac Story.
    With two colonies lost and public opinion of the alliance dwindling, the Zodiac Nation is on the edge of crumbling. With Canceron promising hope to the people, is this shining new colony really all it claims to be? And more importantly, what truths are they hiding?
    #1 outerlocal, Dec 24, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018