I'd love to build the USS New York because a) it has to do with New York and b) it almost crashed into the RMS Titanic XD
Maybe I'll get you two to build these ships in my harbour, depending on how they look. Then I'll have a whole fleet under my command! Muahahaha!
I have an idea that will save you 85k! Instead of buying president why just buy one of the residents a mayor and use that land?
Thas really cool u could like sell that titanc my guess for like 10 to 50mil but u prob dont want to lol
The land owner is filed under the person who bought the town. Therefore, if the resident becomes inactive or is banned, we can't do anything like portals with it. Therefore, if that occurs, we will have to completely rethink the design. Also, some residents might have realizations after they purchased the land, thus adding further complications.
I was on the other day (not going on much atm, due to lag) and it is looking great! You seem to have forgot to put Super_kipkip on the list. Just want to make sure you don't forget him
Due to the fact that you donated for him before the server rollback, the money that you donated was rolled back. 1.3.1, Y U so stupid D:<
Didn't know there was a roll back :/ sorry. I'll just have to repay then when I get on again! Untill the game is stabalized though, I'm not sure when that will be... But it will be soon! Maybe right now, if I can. See ya' soon.
If you're wondering why there haven't been any new updates recently, it's because I haven't yet saved up the 180k required for the next city. Construction will instead be on a 33-story stock exchange building until we can get ahold of the money.
Not to worry! Now that caprica docks is fully protected construction is way back on track. Expect more reguar updates from now on