1. Jess_T_Jericho Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 8, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Let's see where am I going to start? I think I will start off with my gaming life first. Let's BEGIN!!!!!!! I got lots of ideas to type about: Gaming, Interest, Theories, Education {ETC ETC}
    I was Born in July 27th 1999. I don't care if people know my age or not in fact it does not matter. Wants his Death date to be 2708 july 27th

    Minecraft name change: Hilv>Hades_The_0utaw>ZEUS_THE_REDNECK Might change name to Roblox name and that being lvkky

    Types of contacting methods:


    Facebook: Jess

    Xbox360: Hades the outlaw

    Youtube: The Outlaw Youtuber or Epic685

    Roblox: Lvkky, Hjwe

    Wizard101: HunterSkullBlade

    Shout outers

    1. @wertyleigh ~Giving me an idea to add Hades favorite songs&Bands

    2. @Dccciz For being awesome to Hades

    3. @The_Walrus_8 For being a Naruto fan and Hades friend

    4. @Zach_attack_253


    This was when I started gaming my first system was a n64 the games I play were star fox 64 super mario 64 donkey kong 64 super mario kart 64. These
    games I never did end up beating. I guess they were too hard for him back then. Than his helpful friend came in and made everything okay. Expect that silly old star fox game still gave them quite the trouble. After a while Jessie got fed up with trying to beat star fox. Therefore what Jessie did was the first time he ever cheated at something in his life. Then a short time later Jessie played his 1st M rated game called conquers Bad hair day. Now Jessie did not beat this game either or knew what M rated meant. He did not play on the storyline as much as he played on Co-op with his brother he may have been 4 years old but he still played an M rated game with Jessie. That was his first game he played that involved guns. Jessie also played 2 other M rated games but does not recall what they were. All he can remember they had shooting in it. Those were fun games. although at his young age he did not get jokes. So if he played the game now he laugh his head off when he plays it. but he does not have an n64


    This was the year when I got a game cube. I was 7 at the time playing paper mario, super mario sunshine, star fox and super smash brothers melee along with a few wwe games. I beaten paper mario maybe about 7-10 times the wwe games I beaten about 5 times. star fox I could never get past one level I had to spam the A button as fast as I could. I tried every method on youtube I could never beat it. Jessie shush. I am blogging for you. Not yourself. Anyways Jessie also had a Wii. Which turned into his new game cube.


    My day view to minecraft and the xbox 360. My first craked minecraft server was Tinymine (That is no longer a server may it rest in peace) ecocitycraft. And here is the story of my 2 years of ecc: two years a week ago there was a new minecraft player named hilv. Hilv was a lonely minecraft player but he caught on very quick later on the same day Hilv decided to join a minecraft server. What was this place Hilv said to himself where is a building world? Because Hilv has never been on a server before or did he not know any rules. Then 3 months after Hilv joined he made a friend and quite a few enemies later whom become friends. Ecc was not the only thing he play. He also played Xbox his gamer tags were jhmcawesome, hunter skull doom, fannnndaaaango and his current day gamer tag is Hades the outlaw. He only plays on his xbox360 is: Call of duty blackops2 Gta 5 naruto storm 3. in his opinion these games are awesome. If he was typing this he would tell you guys to go out and buy them. Now after when hades was done his break from minecraft he made a shocking return as Hilv. Hilv's luck at last started to turn around he started to make new friends, new towns, more money. Here were his closest friends @The_Walrus_8@xXMcRangeXx , @Zach_Attack252 . Hilv may have made a few more friends but that's not all he was focused on. He also wanted to beat wizard101. He ends up beating the game 3 times on the same wizard Hunterskullblade lvl 100 fire. The only reason why Hunter beat the game multiple times because the company added worlds after Avalon. Hunter's favorite world was Mooshu and here is the reason. it was because Mooshu was based on ninjas. So of course he really did enjoy the game. It only took him 31days to beat the game first round in Avalon. then it was followed by Azteca and A roman god themed world<- That was a side world. And also that's how down the road hunter got his current gamer tag for the xbox360. So with the ruomer of xbox360 truing live off. He felt angry and would love to punch Bill gates in the gut as hard as he can. He wants an Xbone so he could start doing youtube with his friends. As he said to them we are like Next gen Vanoss.

    Now that we are moving on wards to the current times let's start talking about 2015!!!!!


    This era of gaming brought Hades call of duty advanced warfare. Hades was still not as good as anyone else on call of duty so hilv went back into roblox and minecraft again. Lvkky (Hilv's roblox name) has been playing roblox for 5 years. He was not very loved on roblox but Lvkky really never cared. Aside from his bad roblox life hilv now has 2 good gaming headsets one for ps3/pc and one for the xbox360. So now his gaming experience became even better. Let's go to his personal life. Not only that but soon he will be getting a 30 inch box T.V. from his Grandma also changing his bed room into his future living room. Do not worry Lvkky has 2 rooms in the basement. However you can worry about how he is going to get all this set up without killing himself. It will be hard but he will not give in. Hades has been working his butt off on blackops2. He is now is favorite prestige and his favorite prestige is prestige 5. Because Hades enjoys snakes. Which is one of the reasons of him having the title of "Hades the outlaw". When I say he worked for this rank I mean he worked. Right now Hades would be prestige 9 in something did not happen to his other account. I think that's all hilv/Jessie/Jhmcawesome/Lvkky/Hjwe (Hilv's first roblox account)/Hades the outlaw wants to talk about black ops 2 Yes, I know he has a crap ton aka's. Anyways let's talk about his Naruto storm 3. He beat Naruto storm 3 in no time. It just took him 2 days. It could've only tookn him like 5 hours if he did not play against others on Xbox. But this set his record for how long it takes him to beat a game. his favorite characters are sage Naruto Haisirama (1st Hokage), Madra because they can spam a strong shriken called demon wind shriken. Indeed they are cheap shots but he don't care. He loves Naruto storm 3 and he is good at it. He lags a lot in multiplayer though so that kind of sucks. back on blacksop2 last weekend there was double XP. Hades was amazed he said "I thought there was no more double XP"

    Personal life:

    Jessie is the kind of guy who sees all sides of each story. He is a man that says no to give up. He will protect the things that matter him. Anyways that's what he lives by. But man he does enjoy his redneck life. If he could he would do nothing but fish all summer long. However the bad news is he does not own a car and he needs a summer job. Not only that but he would like to start his training for wrestling. (Pro wrestling) I now have a Girl friend her name is Bethany.

    School: He may not be the best in his school but he really does like it there. His drama is going very well. Girl friend/friend's not so much. That is one of his main objectives. It is sad he really does not have that many friends in real life. But eh he has partners online. People who he can trust is all he needs. The main fact about Jessie is that he loves Naruto (The show, not him) Naruto was the guy who inspires him the most. Because Naruto's life is kind of the same as he. Yes, thy like talking shakespere. Don't ask me ask him. Anyways, he has a cat her name is Cuddles. Now she is a really odd cat she likes to play with water. She can also be annoying when asking for food all the time when her family feeds her. Also i am adding his city because he said I could because he is the only one from his city that plays Moose jaw sask. But that's all no Addresses or any junk like that. I wish there was more players from my city that play our server. I know there are big gamers in my city but none of them has still came across ours. cause I don't think I live in a minecraft city

    Aright guys, time for: Jessie's Goals

    1. Make a good redneck livin: So far so good

    2. Get a job as a pro wrestler

    3.Have 1 year of freedom (Before He moves on to a full timer job)

    4. Have a family

    5. Become a mod on Ecc: Don't think this will ever happen

    6. Pass grade 10 DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HORAW

    7. pass Grade 12

    8. Get my first phone. - Not sure

    9. Make money over the summer Well maybe I should have started looking for a summer job in May/June FAILED!

    10. Try and get back ecc more often Guy's Not today Billy

    11. Get his first diamond guns on blackops 2 Gave up.

    12. To get to 1k forum post [DONE]

    13. start youtubing with his friends. And become next gen Vanoss. (It's how he feels how him Para, Twitch, Detox and Optimal act's like) NEXT GEN VANOS IN THE MAKING!!!!!! So this goal is 50% done. Have not asked him lately so this is on hold Failed

    14. Get to 250 Ratings on Ecc somehow I got 433 in a day got maybe 200 within a day??? So I guess goal is done

    15. Get slightly higher grades [Meh sort of done]

    16. Buy a katana. Yes grasshoppers he told me he wanted this as a goal. Got 3 but point here is goal done they are Zono's from One piece

    17. Make sure he keeps giving me stuff to add to his blog has gone almost dry besides fixing errors in his ways

    18. Meet Markiplier

    19. Meet the pie eating ,bronie beating, the people's champ THE ROCK

    20. Get a Dog: Foke's I got one now I am so happy His name is Taco

    21. Don't let his blog die FINALLY THE BLOG HAS COME BACK TO ECC!

    22. Get more money on Gta5 (He wants to make 1.5 million) Owns 2 zentornos 3 apartments with 1.7 million left over

    23. Get an XBone~Not sure

    24. Get a Ps4

    25. Catch big fighting fish Has on wizard101 if you want to count that.

    26. Get a Girl Friend: DONE! Her name is Bethany Amber

    Sports he is in/will be

    Right now Jessie is in bowling . He being a bowler for quite a few years. but however bowling wont get him very far in life as judo. Judo is key to Jessie ever getting somewhere in life. He will always enjoy the art of fighting as it will make him grow stronger. But with his strong will of fire he will never give up on what he wants to become. He took a year off from judo but once he started to watch Naruto he wanted to go back into Judo again and aim towards his wrestling Career.Because thanks to Narutos quote "I will never give up" Jessie has been working his butt off to fulfill his dream. He will do anything he must to become a pro wrestler.Jessie is now done his bowling he had an outstanding year.

    Who's side was he on when it was C.S.A vs The union and why?

    He was on the confederate sate army side. Reasons are as followed:

    1. Jesse james ( a Great outlaw indeed)

    2. The flag to him stands for rednecks&REBELS

    3. The General lee [CAR] It was also a song by Johnny cash

    4. he lives in the southern parts of Canada

    5. The army made history

    For my next act: DREAMS

    Jessie dreams for a lot of things like True peace in the world even if it would only last a few years. Jessie is trying to be just like the 6 paths from Naruto. But is having no luck at all, but he will not be giving up that quickly. Aside from something that totally can't happen because *Cough politics* Jessie wants to own a ZENTERNO Painting it red&Gold for the colour of his school. Next dream y'all seen the families from like all the shows where parent's go to far away places for vacations right? Well that's the type of family Jessie wants nice house 3 kids live by the lake play videogames make money that way and wrestle. And again the only thing stopping him is politics. Now I am not the guy saying this Hilv is. I am just his typer[As Hilv calls it] who gets paid 500$ a word. I shall not yet say whom I be. For I don't get paid enough. But any-ways moving on.


    Hilv has lots of theories thanks to the internet. For example who is purple man from fnaf?

    Hilv's biggest theory is about the purple guy from five nights at freddys. If you do not know what that is go to youtube so this does not spoil anything. Anyways what Hilv thinks is springtrap/ purple guy is really phone man. Because you see in one of the fnaf 1 call you hear a scream. Hilv thinks that was phone guy going into the suit. The sound of the cry sounds a lot like Springtrap. And let'ss face it phone guy sounded a bit evil to begin with. Staring at springtrap too long he kills you same with golden freddy. So maybe Hilv thinks that Golden freddy was the one who killed purple guy. There is also the fact he had a badge on him. Meaning he once worked there. Then it throws another theory out there purple guy could be the past security guard or phone guy. But Hilv really has nothing to support that it's the former guard. And that concludes that theory.

    Another fnaf theory. The most messed up animatronic is Chica

    There are way too bugs with her she has the oddest eyes out of everyone. at each ending her eye socket is o shaped while everyone else’s even the mystery guy in the bad ending has ll kind of shaped lines.

    Hilv told me to state this as a theory. But to me it is a question as if it leads or means anything. But I can agree however that Chica is the most buggiest.

    Opinions on the whole Naruto vs Goku thing. (Don't hate on me if y'all disagree with Hilv's statement.)

    Naruto wins hands down. Face it what Naruto can do is Sage art, SPOILER gains power of all tailed beast, gets the power of the 6 paths called senjutsu. There is not a lot more that he can say besides the fact his dad Minato is a Hokage. And Naruto has more weapons then Goku like the 6 paths staff, knives and a shi. Goku has only a pole that only was used in a movie. Naruto and Goku can both teleport. But Goku still is faster. However Naruto can clone himself and with 100 tailed beast bombs could destroy half the planet. Naruto just does not want too cause that be over powered. Naruto also is a Hokage himself 7th Hokage

    Goku's power pole would be no match for Naruto's black rod thingy {I don't know what they are called and also is shi}

    Hilv's grades

    Science 10: 48 (somehow got a credit don't ask me or him how)

    ELA 10: 52 (without writing final still passed)

    Woods 10: 72

    Math modded mark 10 : 58 (Hilv's regular math teacher decided to slap a final in his face when he switched over to modded)

    Foods 10: 78 (Best and tasty class Hilv said.)

    I have gotten all 5 credits. I got the nicest science teacher on the planet to pass me with a failing Grade :) Next year I look to pass Science with a 56 or 60. Because now that I know i can take notes on my laptop my environmental science is going to go up. Yes i took that type cause it sounds redneck to me.

    Semester 2: Current marks [not Final ]-Needed to be up-to date

    Drama 10: 84

    LA 10: 63

    Cwex 10: 75

    History 10: 63

    [Forgot to pick up my report card LOL] Stats update still forgot to grab it.

    Gym 10: 85(Only low because Hilv did not hand in paper work. Which is unfair because Hilv works hard but hates paper work.)
    Gym and History GONE UP YEAH! With the South vs North civil war coming up history mark should be at a 70. I think my CWEX is going to stay the same cause my teacher never comes and checks on how hard i am working.

    Hades gaming tips:

    Gta5: rooftop rumble is very easy. All you need is: a Kurma (make sure it is maxed speed) and maybe 7 grenades. Now what you need to do is drive into the lot and throw bombs all over the place. Then that should do it. But for getting documents do anyway you want.

    GTA5: Msg hades theoutlaw on Xbox360 to dup cars

    Well thanks to rockstar no more money glitches at the time :(

    Blackops2 tip: use flat jacket , tac mask and engineer . Cause there is always that one person like Hades who will place 2 shock charges beside 2 bouncing Bette's

    Blackops2: Remember not all hackers are hackers some are modders and glitchers same with gta5

    Wizard101: Summon Crown Minion's when fighting for your school's spells.

    Hades favourite foods: Hades top food he likes is a Tlc (tomato , lettuce and cheese) His least favourite is meat. He will only eat fish. But only fish he catches from lakes. Like the great redneck he is he does not eat very much meat. And that is sort of a bad thing. But anyways he still eats healthy and has a big meal. Like Yogurt milk/Juice blueberries, spinach and a whole lot of stuff that gives him the energy he needs. Jessie once drank 6l coke never got sick never gain that much weight maybe only 3 pounds just a fact. Also Booster Juice protein bars taste AWESOME

    Favourite videogames



    3.Five nights f**k boys

    4. Minecraft

    5.Fnaf (Five nights at Freddy’s)

    6. Naruto storm 3

    7. Wwe2k14

    8. Wizard101


    10 Paper Mario

    11. Star fox

    12. Call of duty 3

    13. Agrio.io

    Favourite you tubers:






    6. Popular mmos AkA Pat

    7. Ventirean

    8. The outlaw youtube Aka me



    11. Mr.gibs

    12. Riskrim

    13.Luigikid gaming

    14. Hike plays

    15. Lachlan

    16. Deadlox

    17. DA GAMES

    18. Mastermax888

    19. Enragement child

    Go check these guys out they are wonderful you tubers. They are very funny.

    Favourite Bands

    1. Moonshine Bandits


    3.Billy Talent

    4. Green Day

    5.Hollywood Undead

    6. Johnny CASH





    11. Rukka Rukka Ali (Best raper of all time better then Snooip)

    12. Two steps from hell

    13. Beasite Boys

    14. Nickelback Why does everyone not like him? I know it can't be his songs cause they are songs to make you feel better. But his looks I understand that.[Blogger typed this]

    15. Dixie Chicks

    16. Puddle Of Mud

    17. Living tombstone

    18. Nightcore

    19. Namiekaze

    20. Men without hats

    21. C.W Mcall

    22. People who make parodies of songs.

    23. Brayan Adams

    24. Bon jovi

    25. The songs of the Confederates

    26. Kid Rock

    27. Dean Osborne

    Let's see there is just one more list I can think of to add on to my blog my 10 great wonders of the world. Top 10 [Person/Place/Thing]

    1. West Edmonton mall

    2. Markiplier


    4.Lake Diefenbaker

    5. Central (Jessie's high school)

    6. Calgary Zoo

    7. Winnipeg Zoo

    8. Haunted village sukenin (I am one of the actors along with my other friends and my Mentor)

    9. Buffalo pound

    10. Naruto

    Ohh I got another thing

    Fav rating: The rainbow rating least Fav: Creative

    Hmmm. I think Hades found a new thing favourite books

    1. The lost Heros

    2. Vanished

    3. Manga (Naruto, Bleach)

    4. Gaming books

    5. Books about war

    6. Greek and Roman Gods

    Quotes Hades likes

    "Those who break the rules are scum that's true but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum"-Kakashi


    "I will never give up"-Naruto

    "Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion" -Itatchi

    "Hustle, Loyalty and Respect" - CENA

    "You Dingus" -Markiplier

    "PINGUS"- Dr.Eggman

    " Don't forget to slap that like button" - Most you tubers say this


    1. Family guy

    2. Naruto

    3. Bleach

    4. Hunter X hunter

    5. Love it or list it

    6. Redneck fishing shows

    7. Star wars

    8. property brothers

    9. Civil war (C.S.A vs UNION)

    10. Walking dead

    11. WWE

    Important ACCOUNT UPDATE: It's time I show myself to you all it is shocking to see my younger brother quite and to have returned to my account. Now this might be confusing I know and some of you are scared. Well don't think this does not change anything. My brother took over hilv for some while after I got mayor. then a few fights back and forth got him banned a few times he got me banned a few times. But times has past as I kept Ecc in the dark. I allowed him to cover for me but me failed at that job. So I got on a few times typing a blog for him he caught me one day made a deal. And yeah. Hades is no more. It's time the real owner shines like lightning.
    Warning this next part maybe dark to some people.

    One thing I have not talked about all that much is family. So I guess that's what I am going to talk about. My brother and sister are flat out annoying (mostly my brother). Tbh my sister really is not that bad. But still she is not the awesome sister. You see I try not to let emotions get to me and by training my self to make my brother and sister seem neutral to me. Cause let's admit it most of us would rather save our Mom and Dad and video games over them. Speaking of Mom&Dad my mom and dad do not live together. However me Mom, and annoying people still do. I just wish my brother would go move in with my Dad. He makes my Mom waste money. It's really sad to see. But enough complaining cause nobody would really care either way. My Mom is great she lets me play video games all day long not do choirs I do help out the odd time but yell at the other 2 to do them most of the time. My Mom also scratches my back which I enjoy. Who doesn't enjoy that eh? No one in my family has the best grammar. However my Dad is slightly better then us when it comes down to grammar. But we really don't care how good anyone's grammar is. As long as the words are spelled right I don't care. There is not much that I can say about my Dad. Besides he is 6ft. He is funny but yet mean. That's all I got on him. So yeah this isn't my dream family but as long as I have parents who care I guess it is good for now. On the other hand he does not have parents to yell at him for low grades but still passing which does not add up. He is happy to have nice parents.

    Dream family: Hades and I both have the same dream family: A brother who is older and will play videogames with me. A Father who would take me fishing each day after school and go camping in the summer. A Mom who is rich. And live in a better house. My house is ok but I think it's small and the walls are in bad shape.

    Alright, I will be using this blog towards my English final essay worth 20% of my mark
    This part is for a line from a book called "The lost Heroes" one great book its all about Greek Gods and a continue of Percy Jackson "The storm and Fire the world shall fall" yeah its not the whole line but I just like that small piece. Anyways as the Paper says i must say sorry to the Author so sorry. As this was just towards an assignment your books are awesome Rick

    Now I shall show pictures from Expo Regina April 2015

    what you do is you be a redneck & you take a picture of every Naruto Character you see @The_Walrus_8

    Like i said to y'all before got an ideas for me throw em out there. I will give you a shout out if you help out.
    Places I want to visit:
    1. Tokyo Japan
    2. California (Meet up with my friends in a Summer house when we are older)
    I never left Canada before :(
    3. Go down to the south the True AMERICA!
    4.Go to Toronto
    5.Los Santos

    Also to settle arguments Cola and Pepsi taste the same
    BLOG UPDATED May, 20th 2015

    I am going to list songs I enjoy
    1. Diamond eyes ~ Shinedown
    2. Sexy and I know it ~ LMAFO
    3. For the Outlawz ~ Moonshine Bandits
    4. White and nerdy Weird Al
    5. Amish paradise ~ Weird Al
    6. Flow~ Sign
    7. Wind settal ~ Namikaze
    8. Street dreams~ Hollywood undead
    9. Good Bite~ Hollywood undead
    10. I got the Devil on my shoulder ~ Billy talent
    11. Safety dance~ Men without hats
    12. Bury me in southern ground~ Rebel son
    13. Silhouette ~ Kanna Boon
    14. Strike back~ [Mad]
    15. The General Lee ~ Johnny Cash
    16.Convoy ~ C.W. Mcall
    17. To arms in DIXIE- 2nd South String Band
    18. It's time to die[Fnaf3] ~ Da Games
    19. Thomas the w33d engine ~ artiste unknown
    20 Been to hell ~ Hollywood Undead
    21. My name's Oboma ~ Rukka Rukka Ali
    22. I am a Korean ~ Rukka Rukka Ali
    23. Go COPS ~ Rukka Rukka Ali
    24. Smoke w33d everyday ~ Snoopie dog
    25. Safety Torch ~ Tobuscus
    26. Revenge ~ Cpt. Sparkles
    27. God's goanna cut you down ~ Johnny Cash
    28. Travelling Solider ~ Dixie Chicks
    29. Good riddance ~ Green Day
    30. My true friend ~ Hanna Montana (before see turned into a monster)
    31. Radioactive~ Imagine Dragons
    32. Land of Jelly ~Beastie Boys
    33. there ain't no grave to hold my body in ~ Johnny Cash
    34. Dashing threw the vents ~ unknown artist ( 3 second song)
    35. I am a good ol rebel 2nd String Band
    36. Do you wanna build a snowman (with family guy voices ) Forgot the dudes name
    37. Shot threw the Heart~ Bon Jovi
    38. fudge this $h!* I am out ~ Unknown
    39. One last ride ~ Outlaw
    40. See you again ~ Forgot name
    41. Low life ~ Kid Rock
    I listen to every type of music rock ,metal ,offensive, 1800's, Country, hip hop etc etc
    List is close to done
    Blog updated May 22, 2015

    I now own a savage on gta 5 watch out hehehe (done by money glitch :p) I will keep it a secret cause i dont want rockstar being dumb and patching it.
    Blog updated May 27, 2015
    Tiny updates added
    Blog updated May 28, 2015

    I feared this day my computer is starting to die :( I got all my damn history notes on this thing. if my computer dies well i will still pass history thanks to 48 they still pass you although it's a failing mark. My mark is higher then that just saying if i fail my final. also guys I became Naruto yesterday . Also anthoer thing if i work hard enough at Giant Tiger I got my Summer job to buy a computer and xbone. And an HDPVR so i can do youtube and open another gate to a job. Things might just turn around for me.

    FIRST UPDATE IN JUNE june 02 2015

    Can't wait for the Summer. I am going to hit the gym, get a part time (Hoping at Co-op or Giant tiger[Gt is my work placement]) and to go do something fishing, Buy xbone and a 600$ laptop because my current laptop I think has a GPU Virus. And AVG is not removing it. Man if I don't get a summer job well let's just say things wont be fun or happy. Cause my mom is no longer supporting my gaming.

    So Giant tiger is going well I am enjoying my placement nothing to hard/easy. Tbh it's kind of fun. To me it feels like I am playing hide and seek when stocking, looking for items and putting them in the right spot. I thought wrong about jobs. Although it's a work placement and I am not getting paid but on the other hand good for experience let me post all experience
    Stocking selves
    Taping bar codes to books

    Shelve books
    Set up a wrestling ring (The stuff is very heavy)
    Babysitting done 2 times
    Helped my Dad work on some one's hard throwing steel away and mowing lawn (this was out on a farm not my Dad's got paid 80-100$ It was hot out and i got a redneck wait a minute.....
    Fixing computers not really good at it but better then anyone in my household besides my Dad

    BLOG UPDATED JUNE 9th 2015
    Good news fellow Rebels I got a new gaming Tower cost $250 feels like it was worth $450 This tower cost the same as my laptop did but it has 500gb and quad-core however I can not take it to school ,but no worry i can use school laptops for notes.
    Next thing there is a 34% chance i will be getting 2 dogs 90% 1 so this makes me very happy. My life is nearly complete. All I need is a Job and live illegally by a lake in a log Cabin in a place the government never checks
    BLOG UPDATED JUNE 10th 2015
    It's time for me to getting my Summer gaming ready so what I am hoping to do is:
    Pop on minecraft for a good few days
    Play wizard101 [That is my main Summer game]
    Do all-nighters with friends on GTA5. Altho I am kind of mad at him for getting modded money twice lucky son of a gun. And I am really mad at IGN they are Rockstar's spies and I have been trying to get them off from Gta5 because they get money glitches patched. Sorry for that long expiation.
    Try and do some Zombies on Blackops2 and Cod:ADW
    Other summer plans: Get stronger, go fishing, get a part time, Try and get into the hiw training academy

    Well Guys its Hades here wanted to know how all your Summers went this is highlights of mine:

    Also as all you can tell by my profile picture I got a girl friend
    now. I will being closing my Summer off by going on a big camping trip and another Date with Bethany.

    Grade.11 will fly by. I got 2 spares so I am going to see if I can get the afternoon off

    • Winner x 1
    • Useful x 1
    • List
    #1 Jess_T_Jericho, Aug 12, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  2. Sputnick587 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 23, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    @ZEUS_THE_REDNECK, rehost your pictures to imgur, otherwise people can see your facebook.
  3. UnitedStates2 Builder
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    Nov 30, 2014
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  4. Jess_T_Jericho Builder
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    Mar 8, 2013
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    I clicked on all my pictures nothing happens
  5. 12345shane ρяєѕι∂єитιαℓ ρяαєтσя
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2011
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    Interesting spelling there...
  6. 12345shane ρяєѕι∂єитιαℓ ρяαєтσя
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 25, 2011
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    I have decided to take the endeavor of spell-checking this entire thing.

    It is not completely finished yet. I am currently at the beginning of 2015, which will be spell-checked, along with the rest, eventually.

    Also, Zeus tends to speak in multiple tenses and switches from first person to third person speaking, which is quite confusing...

    Not to mention the also confusing paragraph and sentence structure...
    You can understand it though, and the storyline is quite good. I encourage Zeus to continue his blog; it is very informative and interesting. After all, I'm here to attempt to spell-check whatever comes next.

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    #6 12345shane, Aug 15, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2015
  7. ldw116 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 16, 2013
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    This is an amazing great feat hilv talking in semicorrect sentences.
  8. Jess_T_Jericho Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Yas. I knew there were quite a few grammar errors. Cause this is my older blog just adding more stuff,