By andrewkm on May 29, 2016 at 12:38 AM
  1. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    So, a little backstory on this...

    A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, ECC started off with, well this, over half a decade ago:

    We later slowly transitioned from the phpBB software to Xenforo, and the "at the time" popular Flexile Dark theme:

    Our final days came May 29th 2016 when we left our final Flexile Dark form:

    and finally, transitioned into something fresh, and "professionally/properly" done.

    (Many forum owners to this day, no matter how new/old still do not know how to properly set up Xenforo themes. Mike C (CEO of Audentio) has some phenomenal tips/instructions/and full out guides on how to do this the right way making it totally future proof.

    Now I know you all may hate change, but it is being done for the very best! Let me attempt to explain:

    Ever since 1-2 years ago we have been running the Flexile Dark Xenforo theme. Updates to this theme stopped happening over a year ago, however, it has stopped properly working over 1.5+ years ago. Ever since then I have been constantly making custom/annoying changes, on and on, in an attempt to continue fixing this broken theme; to the point where our entire system was running on "andrewkm-duct-tape" mode. Hey, worked... right =). However this couldn't go on forever, I continued to plan an update, but the more changes I made to all our custom stuff, settings, templates, styles, server integrations, the more horrid that "to-do list" entry looked as the time it would take was getting longer and longer by the week.

    Yesterday however, I said no more. I bought the very popular UI.X framework and began work on it. 18 hours of straight work later, (including over 380+ custom changes that I had to go through one by one, in depth, literally), I finally have a product I am happy to release.

    Releasing a new theme on a fresh forum is no big deal, but getting a forum that is 5-6 years going, and getting everything working took quite the long time!

    Anyways, I understand there may be issues, potential bugs, problems, etc. Especially the "getting used to" factor... it will definitely take some time for a few of you to adjust who have been accustomed to the old style. I promise though; this will work much much better, especially on your mobile devices!

    With that said, our current ongoing plans for the new site are:
    - work at getting a new logo.
    - work at getting a proper ECC based background.
    - work at a few more optimizations/changes.
    - many other small issues to iron out.
    - look over your suggestions!

    However, with what I've done today, I'm quite happy to release it to the public, as it's perfect functional; I've been testing it for the past 2 hours after I finished the massive conversion.

    And as always, please do hit up the suggestion forum as soon as possible with all your thoughts and requests/opinions!

    Furthermore I know this will bother some of you who hate change, but we are completely removing and scratching the old theme. It will literally be dead and inaccessible as of the new theme's launch. The entire thing was more broken than you can possibly imagine from a developers perspective.

    And finally, a small message from me:
    - Seriously, with this out of the way, it's definitely a massive ease on that OCD mind of mine. I hope you all enjoy the new forum, and positively accept it. I will do my best to attend to all suggestions and opinions you may have. However, there is 0% chance of us returning to a completely broken system. Sorry! As well; I may eventually hire Mike C (the CEO of Audentio designs) to work on perhaps getting us a super exclusive custom design. It will cost 1000+$ but just might be worth it. I've yet to have a discussion with him and see what he has to offer; I am not sure as of this time. Regardless, I'm pretty darn happy with what I got done today =D Hurray!

    Love you all <3

    #1 andrewkm, May 29, 2016
    Last edited: May 29, 2016


Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by andrewkm, May 29, 2016.