1. at12326 Guest

    A long long time ago in a world called minecraft a man named steve lived in a little wooden house.He was sadly alone and in danger of being blown up by creepers.
    steve woke up one day and was out of coal and was low on wood. He walked outside. "Hmm only one tree left ,time to go mining",steve said. As he walked to his mine he remebered when he was a kid walkinng down to the same mine he has attacked by Herobrine ,and barley survived. "Dang anothir creeper at the mine"'steve said. So steve waited untill the creeper left.when he got his pick ou he hit a block it looked like stone but a weired creature steve has never saw came out of it.It was a Silverfish! Good thing steve always carries a stone sword on him. Steve killed the silverfish and continued to mining. coal! steve collected the coal then went back home. He noticed that it was missing some wall blocks?What have could have done that? dosent look like a creeper did it because only 2 blocks are gone? It was getting late so steve ate and got to bed. but he noticed a small black thing out the window.
    Steve woke up and noticed even more blocks were gone so he replaced them. this is getting worse. A zombie was at the door screaming help help. Steve told him no you will atack me.The zombie promised him that he woulden't. So he let the zombie come in. The zombie said,''They were huge at least 9 feet tall! Endermen! they were evrywhere killing all of us even the creepers. Only me and one othir creeper survived and he needs help! Ok where is he? last time i saw him he was in the mine.''Ok lets go'',said steve. I cant go ill burn! ok you stay here ill go get him. Steve sprinted to the mine. there he is. CREEPER UP HERE! O thank Notch youre here ,i need help. Trust me i wont explode im too scared.The endermen were evrywhere, EVRYWHERE! Its ok lets get to my house. so steve and the creeper went to his house and the zombie had died and the house was completly gone!
    What should we do about the endermen? i know only one mob that might be able to kill them. Who!. Herobrine! :eek: great this wont be easy. so the two went out looking for the temple of herobrine.''I found it'',the creeper said. Steve and the creeper walked in it was a huge pyrimid past the clouds in ide on a thron of gold was herobbrine. ''WHY DO YOU DUSTURB ME'',a voice echoing of the walls said. ''We need you herobrine'',steve said. ''why should i help you steve'',herobrine said. The endermen are killing all the mobs. herobrine rose out of his thron. Herobrine ran out of the temple steve and the creeper followed. they saw it suddenly turn to night and herobrine went crazy killing all the endermen chocking them ,pouring water on them ,even blowing them up with tnt untill he saw the king of the endermen!
    King enderman and herobrine had a staredown for 20 hours before the endermen looked away. Thats when herobrine teleported to him and killed him. Herobrine went back to his thron and simply said,''Done''

    Sorry for any mispelling i hope you like it :D
  2. antcubing Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 19, 2011
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    Good effort, I enjoyed it a bit.
  3. at12326 Guest

  4. DarkenMoon97 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Nice Story :D
  5. at12326 Guest

    ty so much i love feed back
  6. AriusX Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 29, 2011
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    Here's a little proofreading for ya. If the mood strikes me, I'll proof the rest.

    A long, long, time ago, in a world called "Minecraft", a man named Steve lived in a little, wooden house. He was, sadly, alone and in danger of being blown up by creepers. Steve woke up one day, out of coal and low on wood. He walked outside. "Hmm... Only one tree left, time to go mining", thought Steve. As he walked to his mine, he remembered, as a child, being attacked by Herobrine. He barely survived. Herobrine, that strange creature; why did it look like Steve? "Dang!"' Steve said, noticing a creeper lurking near the mine entrance. Steve waited, hoping the creeper would leave. After a time, the creeper wandered away. Relieved by the creeper's departure, Steve prepared his pick. Steve struck a block. The block shattered. In the cloud of debris, Steve noticed a small, deadly creature. Silverfish! Steve, alarmed by the creature, drew his sword. The diamond blade seemed to hum as it glistened in the sun. Wildly, Steve slashed at the air. Steve, having killed the silverfish, breathed a sigh of relief and continued mining. Coal! With its discovery, the coal would provide Steve with nights of warmth and light. Gathering up the precious coal, Steve hurried home.

    Upon arriving at his house, Steve noticed several blocks missing from the south wall. Where had the blocks gone? Steve dismissed the possibility of a creeper, it would have done much more damage. The day was gradually ending. The sun was setting in the west. As Steve ate his dinner, a thought filled his mind. What could have removed those blocks? What was out there, in the wilds of Minecraft? How long would his bread supply last? As Steve fell asleep he thought, only for a second, those two stars, the two just beyond the window....they look like eyes.
  7. Ratings:
  8. hhaammzzaa2 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Aug 25, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    epic story nice work :)
  9. BOOMZxD Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Builder ⚒️

    Apr 16, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Endermen got pwn3d!!!
  10. gumland44 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 8, 2011
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    Herobrine is Minecraft's Chuck Norris >.>