The EcoCity Times - 3rd Edition

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by eekelmo, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. eekelmo

    eekelmo Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 19, 2012
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    The fortnightly EcoCityCraft newsletter
    - 3rd Edition -
    Protip: 1 cycle = 2 weeks.
    EcoCity Times Founder

    By now you may have seen this image in the signatures of a few users (Along with the slightly varied version that I use):
    This has caused many people to ask me what Koinonia (Koy-no-nyah) is. So I thought that I'd write an article about it. Koinonia is a group founded by myself with the assistance of @TaylorBros22 that wishes to create more community based events, such as competitions, giveaways, guides, articles and the like. At the time of writing this article, the group is made up of the following users:
    - eekelmo
    - Taylorbros22
    - Whammerist5
    - Bashdash100
    - AdmiralD (Wishes to not join fully, but assist in some areas)
    - GeorgiaMC
    - a18greek18
    - zjkhan
    - Someb0dy
    - BuildsByGideon
    - Ndm57dcraft
    - UnitedStates2
    - oootopia
    Some of the events planned include but are not limited to:
    - Archery (Shooting targets)
    - Spleef
    - Mario Kart (New boats on ice = very fast)
    - Hide and seek
    - Capture the flag
    - Parkour
    - Quick build comps (This would mean you're given a short amount of time and a chest full of items to build a certain thing. For example 'You have five minutes to build a sandcastle using the items provided).
    If you wish to give some events ideas, please forum inbox myself and @TaylorBros22, if you wish to make a donation to the group please contact me. The overall goal is to increase the enjoyment of everyone in the community, stay tuned for an official announcement of our upcoming Mario Kart event.

    EcoCity Times Reporter

    In light of recent events, the EcoCity Times feels it is necessary to report on an issue and the drama surrounding it. Only a few days ago, the now infamous Obblebobble was permanently banned for multiple offences. This includes scamming and trading Eco Dollars for Real Life Currency. As a result of this, his business (The Vault Of ECC) was shut down by andrewkm pending investigation. At the time of writing, The Vault Of ECC has been transferred into the hands of eekelmo, who has currently locked the thread stating it is closed "for now".

    This shows that one person can drag down many with them, in this case, not only has Obblebobble received a very lengthy ban, his two counterparts (FuryFudge and THCOOL) have been dragged into this as well. We have no comment from either Fury or TH, and the EcoCity Times will not be commenting on their part in the scheme or on whether they are guilty or innocent.

    This article is not focusing on the horrific acts of Obblebobble but the spirit of the community. Yet again, we have seen this amazing community pull together and offer every last penny to help the victims of the scam. Andrew himself donated 4 million ECD, and many other players have donated money to the fund. This just goes to show that people can try to put the ECC community down, but we will always pick ourselves up and get on with it, like we have done before and like we will in the future.

    If you want to make a donation towards the Scam Relief fund, or if you have been affected by the scam in any way, you can find out all the information here:

    Suggestion Digestion

    EcoCity Times Reporter
    The EcoCity Times will be reporting on some suggestions that are popular and some of the less popular, but still important, ones. This week we will be focusing on Ndm57dcraft's suggestion on voting rewards dropping instead of deleting and Mission001's suggestion on a SG 5 rotation map.

    Firstly, I'll be looking at Ndm57dcraft's voting suggestion.
    Summary of the suggestion:
    Voting rewards are dropped on the floor instead of being deleted if the user has a full inventory, much like kits such as /kit flint do.
    Currently (date of checking: 10th April 2016) all the votes are '+1' implying that this suggestion is something that the community of ECC think would be beneficial. Looking at the suggestion, I cannot see any downsides to it at all. We prevent angry, potentially toxic, users and players from being 'punished' for doing something that helps the server!

    Lastly we will be digesting Mission001's suggestion about SG (Survival Games).
    A brief summary of the suggestion:
    To add an SG map is rotated. The map is either a featured town, a player designed map, or a map which has been suggested by the community. Looking at the suggestion, it seems like a good idea. SG is made interesting with different maps and therefore the community will want to play SG more. From looking at the responses, the overwhelming majority have shown they want this. However some users have replied with concerns that we are trying to revive something which is P2W (Pay to Win), and there is no point in that. However, looking at the majorities opinion and the response of JamieSinn, who said "Will be revisited after the hub", it looks like this might be something we are seeing implemented very soon.

    These suggestions are still open and can be read in full at the links below:
    Voting Suggestion:
    SG Rotation Map Suggestion:

    Alternate Accounts of Banned Users
    EcoCity Times Reporter
    On the 10th of April 2016, Jamiesinn informed the community that:
    If a user is aware that a banned player is using an alt account, it must be reported immediately to the Server Admin team. Any user found to be hiding information about an alt account of a banned user will be punished.
    Jamie did stress in game 'PERMA' banned users, however the EcoCity Times understands that any user with information of a user bypassing a ban should inform the Server Admin Team.

    A New Blue - Interview with @UnitedStates2
    Whammerist5: So, United, you recently got promoted to Moderator, correct?
    UnitedStates2: Correct.
    Whammerist5: What made you apply for staff?
    UnitedStates2: I saw that there were issues with the server and I thought that I could help fix these issues by applying for staff.
    UnitedStates2: My main issues were those with trolls/toxic users - Both types of users who were handled by staff.
    Whammerist5: What was it like when you saw you first accepted, and hopped in-game as a new blue?
    UnitedStates2: I was pretty surprised. I was finishing up a post on the forums and when I finally posted I saw an IP and delete button, along with a couple messages on my profile.
    UnitedStates2: I was pretty excited with all that, I really can’t say anything more.
    Whammerist5: Was it/Is it hard getting used to everything - all the new tools at your fingertips?
    UnitedStates2: I wouldn’t say so. There’s a thread in the Moderator+ section that’s specifically about moderator commands, so I just read that.
    UnitedStates2: Utilizing and knowing what commands do has never been a hard thing for me.
    Whammerist5: What do you think are the qualities of a good moderator?
    UnitedStates2: I’d say it’s someone who enforces the rules and guidelines consistently and isn’t corrupt.
    UnitedStates2: Oh, active also. I can’t really think of anything else.
    Whammerist5: Anything you’d like to say to the staff applicants putting their hearts on the line right now?
    UnitedStates2: I’d suggest that they stay confident and not give up when applying. Giving up/being unconfident gets you literally nowhere.
    UnitedStates2: You should always be optimistic and even if you don’t get staff this round, apply for the next round.
    UnitedStates2: You won’t get staff if you just give up on applying.
    Whammerist5: Thanks so much for taking time out of your day to do this for us! Means a lot!

    Staff Team Changes


    * Changes are listed in chronological order.
    - Dccciz is no longer a Moderator.
    - Nicit6 is now a Server Admin.
    - Unitedstates2 is now a Moderator.
    - oootopia is now a Moderator.
    - 7amoodw is now a Super Moderator.
    - Ndm57dcraft is now a Super Moderator.
    - Techy88 is no longer a Moderator.
    - DiamondDesire is no longer a Moderator.
    - FuryFudge is no longer a Moderator.
    - THCOOL is no longer a Moderator.
    - DrowningInPizza is no longer a Super Moderator.
    - Smorezs is no longer a Game Admin.

    Question of the Cycle
    This cycle's question is 'What's your favourite thing to do on ECC?'

    Answer it here

    Feel free to leave any answer you want. Whether it be serious, funny or otherwise. You may sign it with your username if you want to be recognised for it. We’ll choose the best answers and feature it in the next newsletter.

    Some of last weeks best answers to the question ''If you could change one thing on ECC, what would it be?' were:
    'I would change my bal. To what, idk. But it would definitely change. A lot.'
    'Having the rules simplified - UnitedStates2'

    Name Changes

    thebest4749 -> GaminLeprechaun
    adamherkes -> Pixellum
    GraceJensen11 -> Vici2k15
    Martin_Riggs -> Riggs316

    LMFAOXDDDDDDDDDDDD -> austinsplaneguy
    Uncle_Chap -> Kurtt
    Slayer727272 -> TheWizardOfNoz
    xRawChickenSwagx -> realmichaelyoung
    0524 -> BillyL24
    T3XA5BULLD0G -> Texas_Bulldog
    no_really -> _xSwagmoneyPvPx_
    apple_pro -> appleprocucling
    drewbo173 -> Drewbo_
    Scamtrix_rep -> Top_rigger
    EremMc -> _Erem
    Jason1964 -> Intellectualist
    neppy2 -> Empress_Cixi
    Seizai -> BeepBeepImJeep57
    TinyurlECCVault -> cessnock
    Unqualified_God -> hanghanghappy
    xXNetherXx -> Psychedelia69
    442 -> Polarize_
    Theflyingsquire -> Saudervo

    Blazeeeeeeeeeeey -> BlazeInfinite
    yob124 -> _MattyBRaps_
    terukiminecraft -> CrystalzHackz

    Rank-Ups (Tycoon+)

    There are none!

    Player of the Cycle

    @Zeurals has been chosen as the player of the cycle for showing and incredible amount of selflessness in his donation to the 'Obblebobble Scam Relief Fund'. Thank you very much for generally being a positive member of the community, you're a true role model.

    @Lehon_ for working behind the scenes to make sure that articles are cohesive and grammatically correct.
    @TaylorBros22 and @Whammerist5 for sacrificing their time to do research and to write various things for the newsletter.
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    #1 eekelmo, Apr 17, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
  2. Lehon_

    Lehon_ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 1, 2015
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    There are still a few errors looking over it (some I did suggest to change), but overall it looks great :).
  3. DiamondDesire

    DiamondDesire Queen of Diamonds
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 19, 2013
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    Why does it say 2nd edition on the thread but 3rd edition on title ?

    Anyway looks good :) Nice to have regular updates like this.
    #3 DiamondDesire, Apr 17, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
  4. eekelmo

    eekelmo Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoMaster ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Thanks for pointing that out, I've corrected the error, and thanks for the praise :)
    #4 eekelmo, Apr 17, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2016
  5. zjkhan

    zjkhan Arridian Emperor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 9, 2013
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    Good update :D
  6. polltax

    polltax seldom right but never in doubt
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 21, 2013
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    Looks good! Hope to see more in the future :)
  7. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ V ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 26, 2013
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    I look forward to these and thank everyone involved it the creation for their time and effort!
  8. SuburbSomeone

    SuburbSomeone Shrubby Tycoon
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 9, 2013
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    This is ultimately a minor thing, but I *do* own a town called EcoCity. So it's more of the ECC times than the EcoCity times :p
  9. OutOfMoneyHunny

    OutOfMoneyHunny Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 19, 2015
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