IGN: Jrg5978 Instrument that you would like to play: Anvil Years of experience: None. But I have been working hard lately on toning my skills. Your rank: President, Terminator, Pilot, VIP
IGN: mochocrap Instrument that you would like to play: The baked potato Years of experience: I've been eating potatoes before I joined ecc back in July of 13. Your rank: Tycoon
IGN: BigB_Man Instrument that you would like to play: I play a mean golden apple or potion. Years of experience: Twenty-Juan Years. Your rank: President, [$$$], survivor.
This is a notice to all we wil be meeting 2/19/15 at 12;00 pm est be there or be square I will also be tagging some players that showed intrest to join this band. @xX3PICREBELXx @BackToThePast @emongolab @generaljoecool @AdmiralD @JoshCraft_FTW @3point14mp @3point15mp @ATWINKIE @Chundi_Jr @georgie0417 @Oink__Oink_ @miner1975 @Digger0208 @Ndm57dcraft @averagejoe2012 @Epislen @iTzXtremeGaming @DiamondDesire @ModernPerils @Diamond396 @SonnyCPretzel @priMELval @minecraftbros0 @mineosaurus2000 @BuyLowSeIIHigh @Slayer_boy_2000 @bandgeek12345 If I have left you out and you are interested please just mail me in game
IGN: itzxtremegaming Instrument that you would like to play: Anvil, you have saw me play at a concert before Years of experience: 123 years 12 days 2 mins 21 seconds Your rank: mayor $$$
IGN: ModernPerils Instrument that you would like to playoor Years of experience: 420 noscope years and 28 tix OP weeks Your rank: Tycoon [VIP]
IGN: Zach_Attack252 Instrument that you would like to play: Anvil Years of experience: 0 I r just kewl Your rank: Tycoon