Garrett25c here, and I'd like to publicly pitch in on a problem that I find to be quite alarming and rather appalling, in my perspective anyways. I myself am the kind of guy who likes to read through the ban appeals/complains to see which misfits have been getting into trouble, and which good Samaritans have been staying out of it! I started doing this last night, and I was disgusted with what I saw. Literally 25% of the complains I looked at, were reports on people for the stupidest and most outrageous reasons. I'll take Starlena for an example, she last night was going on about how her life sucks, simply for attention from the members of attention craft and a user by the name Timbobzimbob simply said "Starlena no one cares" her response to that was "screenshotted " Now at this point I thought she was joking and continued to roll around on my floor laughing, because it was rather hilarious that she would even joke about posting a complaint about this. I then went to check the forums 10 minutes later and I literally saw a report on Timbobzimbob, whom she tried to get banned for saying "No one cares". I have been active on this server for only two days now, and I have seen complaints being thrown around willy nilly every day, for some of the up most stupid reasons. EcoCity isn't a server about Economy anymore, it's merely a server where everyone is literally out to get each other. I request that for the love of all Mods/SuperMods/Admins/GameAdmins that you all man up, play the game, report the hackers, report the scammers, report the spawn spammers and move on with your lives. I don't want to have 30,000 complains put out on me when I tell someone I don't care, that's unreasonable and it's once again; appalling to me.
Just two days active? I think this could have waited until later. That's not really enough time for you to make this statement: Even if we get invalid complaints, the staff knows what to do. We really don't get that many of those kinds of complaints. Just look at the staff response to the complaint you mentioned.
I see the point you are trying to put forth, but at the end of they day we want ECC to have the best community ever were all members are polite and courteous to each other.
No at all. Eco can't change tha amount of complaints. Only the users can. It is also not the servers fault, but again the Users. You have not been here nearly enough (compared to my two years) to make such a statement with the little toy observed. You observed a tiny feud in which to players were mad and did everything possible to get at each others throats. This only occurs at most once a month, most of the time, less.
While I believe his is becoming more and more true (sadly) there are a lot of great kind people out there that are nice and help others. You just have to find the right people.
No one is out to get anyone okay, I appreciate that you put your time and effort I to this but seriously, you've been on the server for two days and your already saying this. No, some people are sensitive, maybe stars day was bad and was in a bad mood. No need to make a thread about it.
I would prefer that super moderators+ could check any chat logs if necessary, rather than only server admins/owners being able to.
Guys what he means by that statement isnt by a "dog eat dog" economy server. that is how it has always been. What he is talking about is somwhat similar to "snitching". Just people telling on eachother "in other words reporting" just to get eachother in trouble for saying just one word or phrase such as "you are stupid". In my eyes Garette has brought up an excellent point. Alot of the complaints are useless little things. Some people just need to ignore people on the internet. But after all, ECC isnt feeling like a community. It seems like people just want to be moderator pets and report eachother for everything nowadays. This is why I personally choose ventrillo. I do not talk in chat very often due to the way that I myself talk. This to me is a major turnoff to ECC.
I agree with you ~ however, you shouldn't defamate users ( Starleana ) to prove your point. Besides that, I understand what you're saying and agree with you, many times I see useless complaints taking away the attention from the truly important issues, and there's no need to post a complaint for something that can easily be solved with one command (/ignore) . Also, if people can make "thank you [mod/ player", "I'm leaving", and "Need donations for [rank]", I don't see why this person's forum post is ''unneeded" or somehow spam.
Garrett, I must say you are wrong. Go and try to find some other server with staff this active, this hardworking. The players of ECC follow the rules very well. The ECC community is like a family. They may sometimes be out to get each other, like brothers and sisters, but people always make up. Problems are always solved by the wonderful staff, and I must express that you are wrong. Starleana may have felt offended by the comment, but you maybe have not. Saying that the Staff members should "man up" is very rude, nance the Staff are working very hard. Since you have been on ECC for 2 days, I suggest sticking with us and observing the actions more .
I agree, there are many silly complaints. The Ban Appeal system is also a joke. ECC can't change the amount of complaints, but if they lock the silly complaints they could change the attitude around posting stupid complaints. This would cause less people to post silly complaints, because they know the Moderators will not followup upon it.
I don't think you all really understand the my whole train thought behind this. My point exactly is i've only been on this server for two days, and I'm able to find 7+ recent reports that didn't need to be there. I understand I'm a builder any my opinion is quite irrelevant to that majority of you who think you're above me because of my tag, but my point is more than valid. The current report system is over used, for stupid little oblivious reasons.