#I don't really know what number this is so I will go for it. Andrewkm, you have been a great guy in VIP chat and I hope your server gets more donations and players for the lots of fun it has. I would like to be a ServerOwner like you, if I ever get a chance to be one
I'd like to compliment you on your oral hygiene, assuming you do take care of your teeth. Brushing your teeth at least once a day is something that everyone should be proud of. Oh, and you run a great server.
I don't understand the poll question "Do you think Andrewkm deserves this?" I mean what is the this that you are referring to. I mean he might deserve this depending on what this is. On the other hand he might not deserve this. What IS this?
The great thing about Andrewkm is... when you look in his eyes and he's looking back in yours... everything... feels... not quite normal. Because you feel stronger and weaker at the same time. You feel excited and at the same time, terrified. The truth is... you don't know what you feel except you know what kind of man you want to be. It's as if you've reached the unreachable and you weren't ready for it. Thank you, Andrewkm, for being our server owner.
I'm sorry.. I have no idea what number I am at this time but I did want to comment anyways. Thank you andrew for all your hardwork. I remember you talking in VIP Chat a while ago, and you were saying something about how you are no different than any of us, but I've honestly thought about it and In a way you are right, but at the same time.. you are very wrong. You are looked up to as a role model to many of the members of ecc, espically the younger ones. And besides.. isn't this something you want your staff to be in the eyes of server members? Rolemodels. How are they supposed to be rolemodels to the rest of the server, if you can't be theirs? Also, I just absolutely love how you aren't just one of those server owners who is known only as the guy who owns the server. You actually interact with the people of ECC and make everybody's experience much more enjoyable. I hope someday I will be able to join the staff team and help out just as much as you have helped us. Any/Everytime I stray outside the community of ECC onto any other server, I am greatly reminded of why I love ECC so much.. in one way or another. ;-; Thanks again andrewkm .. and now I shall head off to sleep as it is 1am and I am quite tired.. :3
Andrew, your hard work and dedication is outstanding. ECC has been a great experience so far, I hope to see you keep doing more and more great things for ECC, making it the #1 Minecraft Server
The greatest thing about andrewkm is that he hasn't banned me from the server yet. Not that i have given him any reason to do so. But that's partly the point. I don't like it when a server bans you just for being on the server.