Minecraft Name: @Minecraftguy65
Suggestion: Something to replace the donation chests.
Reason: We need something to replace donation chests, Its hard to display we have something for sale at stores or anywhere else, I think its good to give the players the option to look at what they are wanting to buy or at least see what you have for sale.
Any Other Information: It doesnt even have to be a "Donation chest" it could just be a chest that you could view items but not take any. A display chest or something of that sort.
Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: I couldnt really find any current plugins.
Thanks for reading!
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RandomCat7 #AlwaysSmeefyBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade
I agree with this and miss the donation chests being available in my shop :-(
It has affected my sales on my "chests o' ores".-
Agree x 1 - List