-1 How about stop complaining that you can find it and go on Da_tirtows tutorial and learn its not that hard. The reason pumpkins are so low is that people with fly and eff5 unbreaking 3 axes can make like 12k an hour if you want cjb you can find a tutorial here for mac and pc. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/cjb-tutorial-for-1-4-7.35275/
Notice how I have said the software on my computer does not allow me to install mods, and plus that tutorial is for 1.4.7 and they are at a stand still right now. They need to be raised.
Ok then get a different computer there is no possible way your comp doesnt let you download mods unless its like 10 years old probably older
As I have stated many times, software on my mac wont allow me to. And there are a lot of other people who have the same problem.
1. It does in a way, people with CJB are making more money than people without CJB. 2.I am comparing prices to the old ones. And prices are not fine what so ever. and I'm not saying you'll make 23k an hour. I mean most people get bored of farming within 30 minutes.
1. Then get Another fly mod 2. Tell us why "prices arn't fine whatsoever" now? And just because it's boring for some people doesn't mean the price should be higher
Or... add me on skype whenever the CJB for 1.5 comes out and I'll help you with it... Yes I have a mac so I won't just be telling you to do things without expierience. pierceporcher15
I use no mods. All I have is an eff 5 ubr silk axe. I make decent money, around 12-15k per hour. The fact that many who actually farm pumpkins and not in support of this says that there is no need for a price raise. Yes I know it would benefit me as I would make more money. But it would make the economy unfair.
Changing the pumpkin price won't change this.It will just let people with CJB/fly make even more money. Ways to eliminate their advantage: Nerf fly. Though this would be unfair to all those who have donated for it. Lower the price of pumpkins, until mining becomes the fastest way to make money. Fly doesn't make as much of a difference in mining as it does in farming.
... You can make at least 15k an hour pumpkin farming I haven't got exact figures but I know that for sure. Farming is always based on optimal conditions, otherwise a few people who has the optimal conditions can ruin the economy. Raising to .90 would mean pumpkins could make at least 20k an hour more than a melon sword, and you have to pay at least 300k for a melon sword usually. I see this as a post of greed, wanting the price risen for personal reasons, pumpkins have been tested loads, the pricing in fair and in-line with how much andrewkm wants them to make an hour.
Prices are took on what the most efficient person can make so you ' Cant install cjb' argument is useless.
Why nerf fly simply for pumpkin farming. That would mean many people would lose there donation feature and limit the enjoyment of people who love to fly. If you donate $60 to the server then I believe you deserve the extra income. In no way am I biased as I don't have fly, just so you know. There is no need for people to lower the price of pumpkins. People have built or are building massive pumpkin farms which would be neglected. I don't think people should manipulate priced to simply benefit themselves and stop others. Which is what I believe you are doing.
The OP was complaining that it's unfair that people who have CJB/fly can make so much more money pumpkin farming than him. This is in itself a rather invalid complaint, but the solution he proposed (ZOMG RAISE PUMKIN PRICEZ!!!1!) doesn't actually help. So I showed two alternatives that would at least help his original "problem". In no way I am saying that I desire these alternatives to be implemented. I even pointed out that nerfing fly would be unfair towards donators - and yes, you're right, lowering pumpkin prices would be unfair to those who built huge pumpkin farms.
This has gone over multiple times. I make 6-8k an hour with a regular diamond axe. If Andrew some how decided he would let this happen, it would go up to 0.65 at the most.