LOL just because I answered that fast does not mean I have not done it in the past. You clearly don't understand the existence of Past, Present and Future lol.
You can't get mad at a player for posting his/her opinion of a suggestion. If you want to truly help the server, you'll need to learn how to accept people's opinions to allow a good flow of ideas. Banning a player from your suggestion for disagreeing is just going to make the comments a load of biased anwsers. I don't know much about hosting so I'm not going to go into detail about my opinion but I believe that our host is working just fine at the moment. I don't see the need to change to a new host for minimal reasons or no reason at all.
I don't know….Why change something that isn't broken? I understand where you are coming from though in regards to McProHosting services. The no-lag for many players is a nice feature. However, on many days, ECC doesn't have any server lag. I find client lag more common, and have only had a couple incidences of severe server lag, which generally results from a plugin update. Basically, I guess I don't know why we would want to change the host when it isn't the host having many problems.
Exactly. And also, do you want the server to be down for a couple of days for something was wasn't needed one bit? Like goblizz said, why change something if it isn't broken or hated for that matter. They have to stop buying Inteppid's services, then buy MCPROHOSTING, they have transfer over ALL off the data world maps etc. Probably have to reset a few things, reinstall plugins blah blah blah. It's too much work to save some money for something that isn't even as good.
Its literally a matter of backing up the current server files.. Drag and drop into an FTP client... start the server. Will probably take 3-5 hours at the most.
Why are you guys still arguing about this. It won't happen, and it probably never will. Our current hosting isn't broken as stated above so why attempt to "fix" it and just cause more problems. It would just be a hassle and a complete waste of time. -1
Let me end this argument. 1. MC servers DEPEND on RAM, and at the scale of the server size ECC is, a server host like MCProHosting will not suffice. They offer a custom package, maxing out at 8GB of RAM. This is less than half of what ECC has available, and is close to 2/3 of what we use daily. There are custom plans available, but to my knowledge of the server's expenses, it would be much more to costly to go to them 2. This server host does have quite the backing by popular names, but according to my recent conversation with one of their custom support representatives, they accept any and all sponsorships. 3. They do not have any DDOS mitigation available, and nowhere near the level of ECC's need. 4. They do not offer the reliability for disk failure (We have had 3 disks fail in our history.) 5. No Dedicated servers. ECC needs a dedicated server, not a vps, this way we have complete control and reliability. Our current host is designed for dedicated hosting, not of minecraft servers, but instead of production servers for professional teams, while this host is exclusive minecraft servers, and do not own a datacenter, and are actually colocating. My overall view. Is don't touch anything, you complain about lag, and issues with smoothness, yet do not know the reasons or culprits. -1.