Think I have found the plugin that would help make this possiable, if you want to add it to the original suggestion, blowtube123 .
jacob03082000, xX3PICREBELXx, mattybillo1, and KvBillo are all banned for trolling blowtube. Or atleast were so that is why theyre opinion is quite biased.
Besides the fact that your not supposed to talk about banned people, only 3 of them are banned. You can tell when you try to access their profile, 3 of them get an error.
Though I am friends with xx3picrebelxx, I believe this is a great idea! +1. I have had good experience with ecc and the helpful mods who manage it, but I agree that we need a better way to protect ecc, like blowtube123 suggested. Hopefully his idea will pull through, and people like kvbillo and 3picrebel will learn their lesson and continue to play with other users on ecc, albeit more nicely.
Tyrany777 Sorry, but I am pretty sure those players are banned for good. We must not speak of them anymore.
Well I was thinking that if this idea was implemented and the staff team creates a mod we could use the following command system: /warn <User> <Reason> <Warning Point Value> (Warns a player) /warn <Check> <User (This part of the command would be for the staff team only> (Checks your warning and shows how many warning points you have) I think there should be a point system, and you don't want a point. Let's say after 10 points you get a 1 hour tempban, after 20 it's a 6 hour tempban, 50 7 day tempban, and 100 it's a permanent ban (I'm not saying this would be the exact system I'm just using this as an example)
That is a good idea. Each thing they do could be worth "x" amount of points based on how bad the thing they did is.
Somethings, like spamming could be worth so many points, like maybe 10 points. Something like posting stuff in wrong chat over and over could be 5 points....
Or do this point system: Every day your points get reset to 10, you lose points based on the situation, say minor spam, -1 point, say high vulgar language, -10 points, etc. Do the command /warn (points) (reason) or something and make it come up as a mail/message. This would make it much easier. And once you hit 5 points, it is a kick, after 8 points, a tempban, after 10 points, a perma ban. It is up to the mods to decide, I just think that a point system would work the best.
I don't like points. I don't want points. And I think they are a bad idea. Real moderating is not a point system, it's a situation by situation decision. Each mistake has a certain punishment. Extreme trolling/huge exploits = permaban most of the time. This also overrules the donator bias the staff has against the donators. Long story short, if ECC starts using points, I'll either find a better server, or never use the chat system again.