To eliminate unnecessary confusion caused by the current VMR rules, there need to be changes. Specifically " and Solution? Make hacked clients illegal just as they are on the server of the server. Why do we allow hacked clients then go through an extended effort to make them impossible to use? Also I have been informed by @JamieSinn that automation through hacked clients is still illegal. So what is the purpose of them being legal? Nothing about this rule makes any sense. TLR - make hacked clients illegal in VMR
I'll be looking into moving the VMR rules to be a more concrete place in the Wiki. Should be done sometime soon.
(in the mean time...) Hacking is allowed in VMR. Everything is allowed. We just have anti-cheat in place to try to encourage legit gameplay. If it bypasses the AC then go ahead.
That picture literally is the opposite of the rule and what I was told earlier. You have too many conflicting source mostly from Andrew. Jamie said auto is not allowed but Andrew clearly said it is. Then Andrew also clearly said hacking is not allowed then says everything is allowed. More proof that the rules need to be fixed. Your ‘evidence’ of the current rules do little more than prove my exact point. I thank you for that.
Andrew officially said "It's allowed, but if I catch you, I'll wipe your balance, no ban. So don't be caught." (in regards to autofish on vmr)
@ClarinetPhoenix will clean up the rules where needed and make sure they are the same everywhere. @ClarinetPhoenix please contact me if you need any answers for anything related to VMR.