Minecraft Name: xOSneakyNinjaOx
Suggestion: On ventrilo Game Admins have their tag as "admin" and normal mods and super mods have theirs as "mod". I think it would be a good idea if Super Moderators had a tag such as "Smod" or something along those lines
Reason: Able to distinguish if a moderator is a super mod or not Any
Other Information: Nope
Link To This Plugin: None needed, pure ventrilo
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RealRunakilli Call me dadEcoMaster ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ III ⭐ Premium Upgrade
Skullman774 BuilderBuilder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️
+1 I guess.
P.s I love that signature. -
The reason Admins have their own tags is because we've get different permissions over the other ranks. Super-Mod/Moderators have the same permissions in ventrilo. Having this however could help users be directed to a person of higher authority in-game wise. But they can use "/list" for such.
I don't believe we need such an addition, Moderators/SuperModerators have the exact same permissions in ventrilo. The only benefit I could see from this is to help distinguish ranks for in-game reasons. But that's why we've got things like "/list".