1. Iceman1347 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Minecraft Name:Iceman1347

    Suggestion: Turn hostile mob spawning back on in towns that have paid for the flag to be on.

    Reason: Exp is almost non-exisitant due to the lack of hostile mobs in the main world. Also Mayors paid to have the feature turned on in their town to entice people to move in. My 2nd town isnt selling plots since there is no hostile mobs spawning even though I have 4 spawners in the city and paid for the flag.

    Another reason that was brought up was that this gives a camaraderie of a town to make sure that everyone is protected at night. Towns can have a fun time playing by killing off the mobs that could run rampant in the towns.

    Any Other Information: I donated a lot of money to have enchanted repair and im not able to obtain the enchanted items due to the lack of available/affordable exp.

    In recent discussions with other people we do not know what the actual reason for the mob spawning being turned off in the first place so I do not have a solution to offer at this time. If a reason is given I will offer up the solutions that we have figured out for each scenario.

    Link To This Plugin: None, Vanilla Minecraft.

    Thank you for your time.
  2. z1967 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 4, 2012
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    Seconded even though non applicable to me.
  3. Siepherimcraft Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 3, 2012
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    I agree with turning it back on. Not sure the exact date it was turned off but I've heard little to no explanations on this topic and it needs to be addressed. Mob spawning has gone through a couple changes recently, from mobs spawning in the wild, to mobs spawning only in towns with it enabled and then Mobs off in it's current state. When mob spawning was enabled in towns, one of the reasons stated was to allow Mayors to earn a bit more and to prevent lag on server.

    Which leads me to the Donation: Enchanted Tool Repair. I would not have purchased such an expensive donation would I have know that affordable XP wouldn't be available. Spawn xp price at 10 per orb is not affordable for some random enchant that might end up being garbage. Not to mention my town ideas for making Mob xp sales are out the window...

    More importantly, Mobs are fun... Why should I buy it from a sign, or risk my Diamond armor and enchanted weapons having to hunt them down in the Nether and risk losing it all in PvP? And why I understand why flying is turned off in those areas that brings me even further limitations and puts me in further harm. That even includes tombstone. I would like the ability to farm my xp in the safety of my town and profit from my investments. You can only farm so many pumpkins everyday before it wears you out mentally.

    I don't know the technical problems with turning the mobs back on, but being left in the dark isn't a good feeling. We also can't suggest solutions if we don't know what's going on. I've heard multiple theories about why it's down. Please keep us informed, ty.
  4. Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 3, 2012
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    I agree with everything said above,
    I would like to add, I know this is an ecomany server but its also suppoesed to be fun.
    Altho Mineing and selling things are fun to a degree, Mobs are OMG!
    Killing, Running, hunting and being scared, are a blast,
    For instance, The mayor of the city I first joined turned on mobspawning, I didnt know it at the time, I remember the feeling when i opened a door to a Skelly! OMG. after the intial shock, the town whom I only new 1 player at that time, banned together and went hunting. We had so much fun, it wasnt about the exp, bone, etc, it was the banding together and killing. Who found what and where, It was the first time I ever thought about buying a bow. So much fun I wanted to buy my own town and do the same. So I spent a lot of money to be able to do this , for what. Did I really spent a couple hundred dollars with you just to NOT use them..??? as said above Why am I consider Buying exchanted repair....

    If I may make a suggestion, Make it cost more..... 10 k for a mayor is nothing to pay. not even 1 hr farmming and I got that.
    Make it more expensive to turn on in the mayors town, That would keep the lagg down as not as many towns would have it on, and you could remove more eco money also.... just a thought...
  5. Erolias Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Yes Please!!
  6. z1967 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 4, 2012
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    I just read hang's post and that made me think, hunting jobs! A player would sit there and kill mobs and sell the exp to the employer. The player could keep the items collected as a bonus or return them for even more money made! Does anyone else like this idea? I mean, creepers in the mining world just ain't enough for me or anyone. Partly cause I cannot find them.
  7. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Aggressive mobs do not spawn in the main world right now due to issues with them. Does anyone read the twitter these days?

    Andrew cannot just turn it back on if there are issues with them, he has no choice but to disable them. He has stated already on twitter that they will be back when everything has been fixed.
  8. Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 3, 2012
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    First of all D0rc, there is a lot of speculation on why they dont work, Second of all He can just turn them back on,
    Third you can spawn as many mobs as you want right now, Even andrewkm applogized for stopping mob spawning with exc creations and fix it, we want to know Why from Andrew, Why it doesn't work , When , How will they be fixed if any, Info from Him could help quell the anger some peeps have over this issue.
    As We spent money that he used to upgrade the system that was not broke before. But is now.
  9. Iceman1347 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Thank you for your lack of constructive reply. I have read twitter and I do know that there are "issues" with them. I am starting a suggestion to learn what those issues may be and why spawning is allowed without any "issues" in other areas but not within the main world. If you would have read my entire post instead of just the title you would have understood that. Also I am curious as to what is being done to resolve those "issues".
  10. Siepherimcraft Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 3, 2012
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    D0rc, last Tweet regarding the issue was on April 13th and it says:

    "@diirty_tc spawning passive mobs in towns still works fine - however aggressive mobs need some work."

    That was the last time the issue was commented on. I check Twitter everyday ty...

    Btw I see you have a comment on just about every post I make shooting ideas down with a "Nope not going to happen" and negative remark, are you the official Ecocitycraft Forum troll?

    Mcmmo was stated it had problems and was taken down until problems are fixed. Later it was removed.
    This is my opinion on the issue, JUST incase, they decide to remove this also.

    Ty for your 2cents though....
  11. WallyBean Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I have not seen passive mobs spawn in my towns with mob spawning turned on. However I did find a ton of passive mobs in the old border land that people could not access before the expansion of the map. Maybe once they have all been cleaned out in those areas they will start spawning in towns with the flag again but I don't know.
  12. mrpublic Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 23, 2012
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    I agree with Iceman . Mob spawning really should be turned back on. I feel like i wasted 10k because the day after i got it , mobs were shutdown.It's not just for the exp or the items you get its also really fun to go around hunting mobs in your town with friends.Thats why i think it should be on and also i wish we knew more about the reason they were turned off because i haven't heard why they even were shut off. if it was because of lag , i haven't experienced any lag when mobs were on. If that means we do have to pay more to enable mob spawning i would be fine with that.
  13. z1967 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 4, 2012
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    If he doesn't turn it back on then he needs to refund those mayors money for the spawn flag. It may be expensive but it is fair.
  14. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    I just said that they have issues and that's why they don't work. I heard this from Andrew himself by reading the twitter. He can turn them back on, but if they have issues, why would he...? Andrew only fixed the mob spawning with ExtCreations when the bugs with it were fixed. Obviously these bugs aren't fixed. The reason hostile mobs don't spawn right now is because of issues. Andrew doesn't know when it will be fixed. I understand how you feel about paying for something that is now half broken, but there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it other than wait.

    The suggestion is to add it back, not know why it's gone. I read the thread. And based on the second thing I bolded, you didn't sound like you knew a thing about the issues they had. Asking what the issue is isn't going to solve anything 75% of the time when it comes to bugs. If it can be reproduced, people shouldn't know it in the case that it hurts the server, economy, etc. If it was something you should know, he would have told you. Like how he told everyone when it came to ExtCreations mob spawning nearly disabled about how it was tons of mobs lagging the server. It was nearly impossible to reproduce as staff has the butcher command and can fix it easily. As well, Andrew reports bugs to developers when he cannot fix them himself, he might have zero idea what is being done to resolve these issues. If it's in his hands, he has probably already tried and couldn't fix it yet, he does not know when, how, or anything of the sort until it's fixed. All he knows is the issue it's causing and that the hostile mobs are directly connected to it.

    The last tweet didn't say it wasn't coming back, nor did it say much of anything at all. The last tweet isn't what you should look for, look at all the tweets. It's said to come back. And just because the issue hasn't been addressed for a while, doesn't mean it's not being looked into.

    I only say "Nope not going to happen" when it's been denied before and never has even been considered, like mob arena. If you have a problem with me, bring it up in PM, as I have no intention of trolling suggestion threads and just stating fact and opinion.

    McMMO had problems and was stated to come back, it came back, and was removed, then came back, then was removed... It happened like 6 times until Andrew finally gave up on it. Hostile mob spawning hasn't even been fixed once yet, and it's not like it's going through the same issues McMMO was at that time.

    I have no intention of acting like a "troll" to you guys, and I did not mean my post to sound rude. I stated fact and simply asked a question. If you guys feel I'm being rude or demanding in posts like that then don't, it's just how I am, it's how I word things I guess, maybe I need to use more smiles and lol's in my serious posts in suggestion threads, lol. :p
  15. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    I'm actually entirely sure this is the case. I had a similar problem in the nether, when I found an amazing spot to hunt ghasts 'cause they spawned there like crazy. It was right against the border, so the flew out of my reach sometimes. After about 7 went past the border, I noticed that about that many ghasts less were spawning within the border. I could not kill them, and they just took up the slots for the other ghasts. I think there needs to be a way to prevent mobs from getting out there if at all possible.
  16. Siepherimcraft Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 3, 2012
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    Let me make this a bit more clear then d0rc,

    You said I should keep up with Twitter and I told you I do...

    I never said the problem wasn't being looked into, what I did say was
    "I don't know the technical problems with turning the mobs back on, but being left in the dark isn't a good feeling. We also can't suggest solutions if we don't know what's going on. I've heard multiple theories about why it's down. Please keep us informed, ty."

    As for you saying "No not going to happen" please don't... Enchanted Tool Repair was said it was never going to happen and guess what, here it is.

    We were left in the dark for a while about Mcmmo and then it was decided it was being removed. So I wrote
    "Mcmmo was stated it had problems and was taken down until problems are fixed. Later it was removed.
    This is my opinion on the issue, JUST incase, they decide to remove this also. "
    Keywords are "Just incase!"

    You may not intend to troll but it really comes out rude. Posting on all my posts and telling me "How it is" and "what can and can not be done" sounds alot like a moderators job and last time I checked... read #14. Ty.

    General Forum Rules:

    1. There is to be no flaming / insulting other members.
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  17. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    ...lol, I already explained why he can't tell you what's going on. Also, the part where I said you might think it's not being looked into was directed at the part where you said:

    "D0rc, last Tweet regarding the issue was on April 13th and it says:

    "@diirty_tc spawning passive mobs in towns still works fine - however aggressive mobs need some work.""

    Implying that he hasn't addressed the issue in a while and it might be forgotten.

    Mob arena won't happen. Sure, neither was enchanted tool repair, but that's a completely different story. Enchanted tool repair doesn't require an amazing server that runs with no lag no matter what. Enchanted tool repair wasn't going to happen for economy issues, which can be solved by changing the economy around and how it works. I still say it's not going to happen because that's the response it has gotten time and time again, so I'll just make the process quicker. If Andrew responds saying I was wrong, then okay, that's fine, I see no way I hurt you suggestion at all. As well, in this thread, I only stated fact, not "it's not going to happen," which isn't quite fact, it's my view of fact.

    I'm just saying it won't be removed. Removing mob spawning permanently on a server this big is like saying "Hey guys, I need a 10th of you to leave and never come back."

    It sounds like a moderators job, but it's not. It's fact. I'm just stating fact and opinion, not telling you what you can and cannot do.
    (I may sound like a mod sometimes though, because I'm used to being one. :|)
  18. Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 3, 2012
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    It was at the sugestion of a post like this that the extcreations were put back on, not bug fix,
    It was a post like this one that andrew applogized and changed prices down to 100 per spawn just because of butcher for server lag.
    Its post like these that get our ideas and concerns to the peaple that need to know.
    I Really thank you for speaking for andrew, I know he has trust in you to take care of these items, good info.
    thank you for knowing ....... wait ? who are u?
    All we are doing is asking, um Andrewkm whats going on so we know.
  19. iEvolive Epidexipteryx hui
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 28, 2011
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    andrew believes that the problem is in mc. Don't ask me how I know this :)
  20. D0rc Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Apr 26, 2011
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    viewtopic.php?f=8&t=12856 Read it. He says he went through testing - meaning he had to have fixed something.

    True, he wouldn't have apologized had he had no one to apologize to, but he didn't need someone like that to fix the issue. Changing the price down to 100 also happened because of users, but this has nothing to do with bugs that needed fixed like this thread is about.

    I understand that, but asking isn't going to change much. Even if it does, what can be done about it? If the mobs are causing server lag, all there is to do is remove them, there is no other choice.

    Edit: And believe me, I want hostile mobs back too, but I've been on the server for a long time and understand that it's not as easy as asking and brainstorming.