He could, but he needs some way to pay for the site, and I assume that's why there are ads, I could be wrong. It's also likely why he charges money for ad-free accounts.
Not turn off the Ads, just turn off the certain "categories" that are displayed. From what I've learned you can't "zap" specific Ads.
Like people have said, the ads are based upon what you search and like some people said, all games go in one category, the people doing the advertisements probably don't really care if minors are seeing inappropriate content. I'm fairly certain Andrew cannot limit it to not have inappropriate ads unless he knew every single inappropriate ad name or such.. Although I couldn't be sure though. Personally, I just have adblocker, it's free and it takes 10 seconds to download, I know some people prefer not to use it because then the people running the site don't get the money from people watching ads, but that's how life is. Especially if it's inappropriate content then I would suggest adblocker, you can always disable it later if you no longer want it.
Ads also draw from common terms, phrases, and words in the area you are at. So if you are on a Minecraft forum, it will draw from "games," from "blocks," from "skin" (who /knows/ what that will bring up), etc. It can be even more specific depend on where on the website you are. So it not only draws from your computer, but from where you are on the Internet and what words it can pick up. Ads need to be turned on so that the forum can be help paid for, or the provider who is hosting for us (depends on how it is set up). Turning them off, limiting them, disabling keywords, etc. It would take far too long to do, may be a lengthy, mess process, and possibly cut back on the funds. As for getting AdBlock just for ECC... I think most people are suggesting it for everything. Just viewing ads will give you viruses, malware, and other nasty things. It is one of many reasons why so many people lose their computers to viruses; they do not protect themselves. :/ (Anti-virus programs and malware cleaners can only do so much.) edit: BLT, AdBlock has options to not block certain sites. So if there is ever a site you want to fund, you can enable ads just on that site.
As for this computer, It's choking on anti virus stuff. You could inject a virus into this thing and it wouldn't phase it. It may cut back on funds, it may be messy, it may take time, ect, but for the Ads I'm starting to see, i think it's worth it.
Brand new computer, never searched anything. Here are the 5 ads i got: http://i.imgur.com/0U3JX7h.png Link wont work. Basically: 2 credit card adds 2 colledge adds 1 sketchy game add
Yup! Sorry forgot to mention it lol, it also has easy create filters if you want to disallow certain inappropriate ads and leave the rest alone.
MoofinK, I have 4 Anti Malware / virus programs. I run them and nothing changes. Programs: Hitman Pro SuperAntiMalware Malwarebytes anti malware mbam and others.
And they can scan specific files. Download a MC world off the internet and you aren't sure about it, I just right click and click "scan".
I think this has been totally blown out of proportion, the answer is simple, if you don't like the ads and you are somehow offended by them use an ad blocker...
I don't feel that I should have to resort to an Adblocker on ECC. Not just considering the fact that 90% of the kids that play ECC probably won't know how to download an Adblocker. And I can tell you right now if they start asking their parents for an Adblocker, someone is going to stop playing ECC.
I'm pretty sure most people will be able to get an adblock, if they cannot type on on Google "adblock" and click the first link and click install then how can they manage ecc
They manage ECC because they have to do nothing other then click the "Minecraft" icon on the desktop. And if kids start installing things on their computer, which I still believe most won't be able to, then their parents are going to notice that there's no Ads. And then they're going to find out. And they'll realize ECC was the reason their kid downloaded an Adblocker, and we're back to square 1.
At the end of the day there are 3 options. 1. Download an Adblocker, I'm sure their parents will be happy not to see ads. 2. Donate for forum gold. 3. Just deal with them