well pigs do fly in the aether lol The lottery has a 10% tax in the server, which is the only tax i know of, in this server. But other taxes r also needed, i will discuss the use of those taxes later, but, by telling the world "Hardcore Economy", this server should take some sort of a form from modern economy. Otherwise, i dont think this server should be considered "Hardcore", no offense. Being under the age of 16 does not mean anything. If the server adds more types of taxes, this will do them more goods than bads. They will learn how to organize their fundings, and i think they will like it. The reason why people under age 16 play on this server is because they want to of a taste of what real life economy feels like, and gain experience for their later years of living. For this, i think this remarkable server has done a great job presenting what it is like to be in a real life economic situation. Or else, when they see the title "Hardcore Economy",they will turn away and, lets say, fantasize about how cows fly to the moon. I like ECC a lot lot, and guess what, i turned 14 yesterday. I didnt dream about lunar cows when i first saw ECC, what i did was that i sold my Xbox, thats how good ECC is to me. I will not whine about a couple of taxes getting inputted on this server, i love taxes. (Im a weird guy) If anyone does whine or complain tell them hey its hardcore economy man live with it. Lets talk about the use of these taxes now. I saw some of u pals already gave a couple of uses to these new taxes. Wether or not only high level ranks can use it or for constructing pvp arenas, i say no matter what forms they will take benefits for all is a must. These taxes should only be collected if everyone gets a positive influence. List of ideas for the taxes: Short terms: PVP Arenas Market places Temp Nether/Aether Access Server Building Service Street Lights Renewal For Every Town New User Financial Aid Long Terms: Railroad Stations from town to town, for those who dont have Multihome or TPs Town Portal Financial Aid, cheaper prices for town portals, for mayors Tax Refunds for everyone who paid taxes, like the one Hong Kong had this year, but only if the total ammount of taxes exceeds the limit (also base on how long the person has joined ECC) Monumental Buildings, White House, for instance Server-Wide Battle/Contest I will think of some more, but i gtg now, laterz PS: Notice grammar mistakes, wrote this while doing the dishes, believe it or not. Peace out, Good day.
While you made a great post, you have to realize that many of your suggestions are things that only Andrew can handle and I doubt that he wants to add more work to his plate. Other suggestions you made such as temp nether/aether access would need special plugins that may not even be created. Money NEEDS to be drained out of the economy some how I agree, and a tax is usually one of the few ways to do this. On the other side the server can raise its prices to gain access to areas and options such as resident/mayor/president/world-edit/portals etc. to drain more money out of the system as well. Keeping the ideas flowing is a good thing because sooner or later someone will probably hit on a decent idea that will work but for every suggestion really think about who is going to do all the work, how hard will it be, and if there is even an available plugin/option to do what your suggesting. A railway system sounds like good fun to help move people around, but who's going to build it, who's going to protect all the blocks across all the different zones to prevent it from being destroyed, and who's going to keep track of it to ensure it keeps working. RagMan
Great statement RagMan, let me think for a while and i will get to u later, thanks. Keep this thing going baby!
I think you also have to remember while we are a “hardcore economy” it’s also a game still. People play games to have fun and managing finances and paying taxes is not what most people see as “fun.” It works now because the most managing people have to do is save until they have enough for what they want. If you add in other stuff like paying taxes for example people start getting reminded of real life problems and such, which take away from the gaming experience.
There should be a tax on the /sell command, based on how much you already sold that day. This will create diversity and screw the people who pumpkin farm 24/7.
A /sell hand tax is easy to implement by simply lowering the /sell price on all items across the board equally. However the last time prices were "adjusted" it caused major backlash. While thinking about this at work today I wondered if there was a way to adjust the /pay plugin to deduct a % of how much you send to another player. While there would be ways around this using signs it was just an idea that came to mind. Im still not sure the confusion would be worth the hassle though as people complain about not getting full payment or having to do the % math to come up with the right amount to send. I would love to see someone else come up with another lotto type money drain. Something like the casino games people have now. Pay, hit a button and out pops a random item.. $100 could win you a d-block or a block of dirt. Just a brainstorm idea, no real concrete way to implement it though that I can think of. RagMan
my intention for this taxation business is to let people have fun while having the sense of awareness to real life problems. Such actions should be taken to fulfill their idea of what an economy is like. For instance, taxes, right?
i change my mind. im all in favor of a tax system because it would eliminate a little more than 60% of the builder force from the server (not to mention kids with their parents' credit card) and will discourage more builders from joining the server. im sorry but a tax system just isnt feasible let alone logical. that being said, i do like the tax idea on the sell hand command, however, who's going to write the plugin that allows for a tax for sell hand that a)recognizes an abuse of of /sell hand and b) reduces the profit earned each time /sell hand is used? i feel that it's a good idea, but the less trickle down in profit you get for using /sell hand is completely illogical because youd essentially end up with a limitless supply of fractions of pennies going to the server and even smaller fractions of pennies going to the user.
Thats is for sure not on ecc, referring to the 49.5% tax. The last thing u need is not more, is to escape reality. Hoping that u get less in the future.
If taxes do get implemented (please no taxes) then it will most likely be based on either /sell hand use or the rank. A builder would be 5%, a resident 7% etc. I really hope this does not happen because then the rich would be poor and the poor, poor-er. My 2 cents has been added
rank would do nothing. the tax system is completely ridiculous because it wouldnt be sending money to a government to help fund projects, it would be useless. instead of calling it taxing, why not just call it stealing, because it sure as heck isn't any form of eminent domain nor is it a taxable system.