I personally have to say that this is a very good suggestion. After all, ECC is a hardcore economy server. This is a plug-in which we can relate to real life.
Only we can't, because our economy is a small virtual environment where stocks aren't feasible. And what this plugin does is the same as what lottery does, it's completely random and therefore plain gambling. You don't gamble when you invest in stocks in real life, you make careful decisions.
Actually in real life investing in a stock is like a gambling because you never know if your stock is going to crash or go through the roof kukelekuuk00
I really Do Not want to use this plugin. You said that this is an economy server and the stock market is a major part of the economy. But this plugin is not at all like a stock market, it is just gambling because the events that affect the prices of shares are random, and rely on chance, so that is gambling. It requires no skill and smarts. Which doesn't make this a true economy if you use this plugin.
Oh really? Go look up investing the stock market, it says everywhere about how investing is extremely different from gambling. That is what all the experienced Investors, Wall Street Journalists, Bankers, Stock Brokers, Hedge Fund Managers, Mutual Funds Managers, and Warren Buffet said. ''There is a big difference between investing and gambling.'' Although you can't truly predict where the stock market is headed, it is not considered gambling, because a person who uses educated investing desicions will earn more money than a risk taking gambler.
Buying and selling shares every minute could be considered gambling, but long term investing is totally not gambling, the smartest and experienced stock investors use long term investments, and the only people that got rich from the stock market are long term investors and people like Warren Buffet.
I guess but people like me who don't have a lot of money would use this to gain some money quickly for things like perms to a farm Or a plot in a town etc.
It's a different kind of gambling, but it's gambling just as much. You put money in, you either win or lose and it's completely random. That's not stockmarkets, that's just a game of chance.
I personally think stock would be really cool. But, definitly not that plugin. A realistic stock plugin would be crazy.
I'd like to see a stock market, but if it was ever implemented to ECC, it would have to be based on a real stock market. If there is a way to make the ingame stocks update with the real stocks, I think it would work well with out economy. However, I'm sure having the server interact with something that updates a lot would cause way more lag than it's worth.
Why the hegablah would we want a stock market in ECC that is based off of the real stock market in real life? Why would people want to use that ECC stock market if they could put real money into the same profitable stocks and earn real money.