IGN: Pbrassat17
Suggestion: My suggestion is adding a section on the wiki for rules that staff need to follow, this would be really useful for those users who want to apply for staff, but want to know about all the rules, and information. I think it should be added because the threads for info in the staff application section do not inform us about rules staff need to follow, aswell as commands that each rank gets.
Here is a idea of what it may look like:
Staff Rules
Part I - Banning
Clause I - Evidence
A user shouldn't be banned unless you have proper evidence of what has happened, or a proper complaint has made. It is always suggested to take screenshots before a ban, this should be done to provide evidence whenever a ban appeal is made, or a staff complaint is made for a unright ban.
Clause II - Temp-Bans
Moderators should not tempban other users to get them unbanned, this doesn't matter if the user made a appeal or not. If a user is to be tempbanned because of a appeal, a supermod+ should handle it. You may however tempban for proper reasons such as Trolling, or other stated rules.
Clause III - Unbanning
Only a Supermoderator+ has the power to unban other users, however it is suggested that moderators post on ban appeals giving the banned user proper information about what they did, and about the rules. A supermod is the only one who is to use tempbanning to unban other users.
Part II - Kicking
Clause I - Proper cause
A user is only to be kicked if you have proper cause, do NOT kick a user if they ask for a kick, it is suggested to tell the user no, and if they continue give them a warning about spamming.
** Disclaimer - if you are to break any rules, or in any way find a way to bypass them you will be stripped of your moderator powers, and deranked, and if needed you may serve some other sort of punishment**
Now the things that I have posted are idea's, and may not be the exact rules that andrew or the staff have in mind, however I believe that if this is posted the users applying for staff will know more about rules and so on for staff applications. There will of course still be additions, I also suggest that only andrewkm has access to edit such things.
Another addition is to maybe add a separate page for information on commands, and requirements needed for the moderator rank, aswell as the other staff ranks.
Thread Tools
Thread Tools
We already have something like this, but in a private section. I would prefer it to be kept that way as it is in a private section for a reason, and some stuff listed is for staff knowledge only. You will be able to see it if you become a staff member. :p
Friendly x 1 - List