More people would buy this feature and like everyone else is saying, cooking pot prices would go down.
Arent cook pot prices very very low anyways? Mine was free.... I like the idea as when you look at it from a buyers point of view, you have 2 options to get your stuff smelted faster, more ways to invest is better then just having one option... I +1 this because thats my opinion, but i guess i understand why some people -1
No I completely disagree This would basically ruin a donation feature. Which one you ask? extcreations+. Who will buy extcreations+ if cookpots go completely useless?Sorry to break it to you, but im not sure many people will buy it for hidden switches and a few other perks. Everyone will buy extcommands+2 instead. Im going to point out another problem. As /nv and /wb are cool perks, Furnaces and cookpots need fuel. This will also take away another great feature, thats pyro+. I know many people who have purchased pyro+ for the /fill lava and /powertool it onto the bucket, so its a click fuel. Not saying that people won't buy it, since when you buy pyro+ you of course become immune to lava. To sum it up, im going to say don't make 2 perks that do the same thing in 2 different packages. Why? Because uhh... why code something that practically already exists? Finally, cooking pots would die. Nobody would use em, they take up too much time. And why would you? If you can just /smelt, wow life = so much easier. So, -1
My friend got a 6million fuel X 6 signs for free that is 36million fuel FREE. (who da **** gave him that?)