Yes i like the idea but instead of making in chat just make it a new chat if possible such as /ch rauc (reverse auction
I would love this! This would be the best thing for a lot of people on this server. And to explain some confusion; people who have donated for, lets say extcommands. They can repair non-enchanted tools for free. It doesnt cost them anything to do it- so as long as they make ANY money, it is a profit. I myself have extcommands, and i know it pays for itself for me because my diamond pickaxe never breaks. Same for extcommands plus and enchanted tools/anvil combos; these donators offer services in trade chat but rarely get heard, or like me- i rarely offer because i'm too busy, though no matter what im doing i monitor auction chat (and shut off every other chat to make it easier, i could easily monitor reverse chat and sell services. I would get a lot of money off it and people would get services. All around good- It would need a seperate channel- perhaps Dark Aqua (§3) color for the chat.