[Suggestion] Removal of Casinos

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Idostuff, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. steveshizzle

    steveshizzle Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    I think it all boils down to trust. When people are ripped-off at ECC casinos, it's usually because they are using a casino made by someone whom they don't know or trust 100%. I have a few friends that run casinos and those are the only casinos I use. I trust these people very much and I've even overseen the construction of their games so I know exactly how they're run and whether or not there's a possibility of being scammed. Without trusting a player, there's no way to know you're not being ripped off. As for addiction, I don't believe that a casino addiction and loss of money nearly makes a dent in the types of addiction and loss of money that the lotto has. I've never heard of anyone losing over 100k in a casino and I doubt I ever will.
    While Solace's point, "There is a reason that children are not legally allowed in casinos. ECC has little kids and I don't think that family-friendly and casinos go together very well." is very true, but I believe the best way to learn in life is through action. The best way to learn navigational skills is to get lost. The best way to learn why throwing rocks at a beehive is a bad idea, is to do it, and I've got a big red spot on my back that'll prove that too. Therefore, the best way to learn how to manage your money properly, is to lose it and say, "Wow that was a bad idea. I'm not doing that again."
    Idostuff said, "Would you want your children to be extremely frustrated because they thought they could win at a casino game?" This just relates back to my point that a child will be frustrated that they lost, but sooner or later they will learn a lesson, even if it takes a few dozen more bee stings.