I know I'm just a mayor but I feel like putting my two cents in. I really think that if you are an Ecoleader then you shouldn't ever have a boring day. I personally would love to give back as much as possible. Choose a builder to rank up to resident. Giveaway plots in a town to new members. Build amazing structures that most people don't have the money to build. It's Minecraft, so use your imaginations and have fun being at the top of ECC. I think revanrose6 put it best: So go forth and help!(or flaunt whatever floats your boat.)
Love this idea! It's kinda like prestiging in cod (sorry for that horrible reference lol) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
Not how the dual-accounting works, having multiple accounts is 100% fine, it's using one account to benefit the other, or sing one account while the other is banned
Now that I'm ecoleader I feel as though I can post here. This would be kind of nice, although this would be very complicated to set-up, so sorry, but -1.
I see your point, also this Is probably the wrong section but, I didn't get an alert for your response