how about after 10 days or some set amount of time, it would bounce back and you would get your money back?
That would mean people will put more money in just because it'll come back. Let's say a small group of people decides to do like 50 payments a day, that would be 500 payments per person, I would assume a small group of friends is like 3-5 big, that's 2500 payments. And this is 5 people, there could be way more. The problem is trolls, sure, we could punish those who do that, but that requires sky or andrew to periodically read the file, which isn't a feasible solution. And offline payments aren't a necessary addition anyway. If you want to pay someone money or you need to pay someone back then you simply tell the user you need to pay and both of you should come up with a time where you will both be online. It's a little effort to make a deal with the person.
What is a scammer uses this to transfer all his money out of his account prior to a ban? Otherwise i think it's a great idea.
I really think kuke has this idea. Unless he has some snappy programming work around, it doesn't seem feasible.