It isn't just "PARKOURRRRR", it's a type of "fun minigame" in which players can jump across parkour, and get checkpoints, and if you fall, you get teleported (plugin we have already) to a checkpoint, and at the end, you could get a prize and be teleported to the beginning again, Things you gain with this: Fun More Players A type of game to keep our old players from bore A way for builders/residents to make money more fun Why not?
I know how parkour works, but I also know the only viable parkour plugin right now is.. broken. (Reason I know is because I tried to see if I could make a parkour server with the plugin. it failed miserably) Don't get me wrong, I love parkour. But it doesn't seem worthwhile to put developer time into fixing a plugin or admin time in setting up a system that doesn't rely on that plugin.
OMG We DONT need to get ANY more plugins at ALL! We have ALL the plugins needed to make this suggestion work!
I personally wouldnt play it as it doesnt appeal to me, I like the idea, but there is nothing stopping you making an event within a town with an idea such as this. The problem with a whole world and money prizes is that money will flood the server over something which isnt even economy related. If you had to pay 5k to enter each time with prizes ranging from $50 to 50k, then maybe, There has to be some way in which the server can 'outgain' the short term user, otherwise there is no point in the server having it because it will flood the server with money. +1/-1
No, I just want an easy way to make money, thats also fun, it won't be that crazy, I imagine it pretty long, which will take like 15-30 minutes to finish, and reward like 1k, or 2k.
I still dont think you quite understand, A hardcore Economy sevrver doesnt have any quick ways of making money... So why would they add this? Sure it could be a lot of fun, but I dont see it benefiting the server economically... Even SG does still contribute, and lotto
You're suggesting monetary rewards for completing a parkour. (in a parkour world) Meaning we need a custom solution or a new plugin (plugin's broken like I said earlier. Not good for a big server like ECC) So no, we don't have all the plugins we need to make this suggestion work. Yes, I'm purposefully writing an argumented post because I'm a troll. Right, and you know that how? I'm giving you my opinion based on my experience and what you said. If you have a problem with that then don't write suggestions.
We have all the plugins needed. Mk? We can disable fly, /j, disguise, etc, (example can be PVP world, change the permissions in configs) Second, we have the stargate plugin, which works fine, and we can make it so that it teleports you to your last checkpoint (easily set up) AND we could have it so that it rewards you something, like a netherstar, or some money, and you get tp'd back, it's really not that hard, and we have an amazing person called KHobbits, bet you didn't know of him
Just trying to stop an argument. You didn't seem to understand what Mr_Doom_Bringer was saying and he was getting upset. This is a good suggestion I don't want it to become a flame thread ^~^
You want to create stargates as checkpoints and.. "it" rewards you something? What is "it" supposed to be? Stargate? Because stargate doesn't give items away.. and what would define your checkpoints? You're saying "easy peasy", but what you're explaining is far from easy peasy. There's a lot of work going behind what you're saying. In fact, writing a plugin from scratch would be easier than what you are explaining.
I understood what he was saying and I was criticizing the suggestion. Criticism is a normal response to a suggestion. there was no need to stop it.
We have an amazing dev team + the plugins necessary. If you think you're going to stop the suggestion because your magical little parkour plugin isn't updated, you're wrong.
It is trolling when it is intentionally upsetting the person to the point of responding in caps to show exasperation. If you understand his suggestion and his points like you say you do, we wouldn't be having this discussion because he's already explained it lol basically all you are saying is its too much work.
Yes, he doesn't understand what I'm saying so I'm trying to explain it differently each time. And it's not my fault some people can't handle criticism :\
He can handle criticism fine. The fact is that he's explained how the system will work multiple times, but you keep saying it's not possible because your plugin is broken.